Episode 10: Managing Up: How to Get What You Need from the People in Charge with Melody Wilding
Posts Tagged:
Routines + Productivity, Work Culture
How to Prepare for Time Off Work
Is it (finally) time for vacation? Answer: yes. Here's how I prepared for time off work to make sure my team remained successful.
Interview Questions
The One Thing You're Not Bringing to Your Interview (But Should)
Turns out a resume just doesn't cut it anymore.
4 Rules to Follow to Gain Control of Your Money This Month
You Need a Budget operates on four crucial rules to get control of your money and manage your finances long-term. Here's what they are.
Career Transitions, Professional Development
The Great Reskilling: 11 Ways to Upskill for Career Success
Does your next career change mean that you need to learn new skills or amp up your current skills? Here's how to hit the books and increase your earning potential.
How to Explain a Career Transition in Cover Letters + Interviews
Career transitions can be tough, but how do you explain them in your resume, your cover letter, and throughout the interview process? Don't worry, we have you covered.
Cultivating Confidence
How to Shift Your Personal Pitch to Make a Major Career Transition
Making a major career transition? Your personal pitch might need to be reworked. Here's how to shift your pitch for your new future.
Professional Development
This is How Presentation Skills Can Boost Your Career and Amp Your Confidence
We know that presenting can be the scariest prospect ever. Get better at public speaking and presenting at work in just a few steps.
Time Off
The Ultimate Gift Guide to Shop Women-Owned Businesses
Women run the world—so pay them back by buying from the best women-owned companies. These are a few of our favorite (women-made) things.
9 Ways to Take Control of Your Budget
Is it time to finally take control of your budget? We have a few tips to help you make sure that rent doesn't wipe out your account every month.
Cultivating Confidence, Routines + Productivity
6 Ways to Spark Creativity in Your Personal Life
We're talking about good old, off-the-clock creativity. Here are six ways we are doing our best to be creative in your personal lives.