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Episode 10: Managing Up: How to Get What You Need from the People in Charge with Melody Wilding

Posts Tagged:
self care


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    25 Journaling Ideas That Can Change Your Career

    Thinking about starting a journal, but don't know where to start? We have journaling ideas designed to transform your career, one entry at a time!

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    Interview Questions, Quitting Your Job
    Why I Left: Good Reasons for Leaving Your Last Job

    Why did you leave your last job? Here's how to politely explain why you quit your last job in an interview setting.

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    Routines + Productivity, Work Culture
    How to Recognize + Recover from a Burnout Diagnosis

    Burnout is real—like, really real. Recently recognized by the World Health Organization, work burnout is a serious diagnosis. Here's what you need to know.

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    Work Culture
    How to Text Your Boss When You Can't Come In

    You're sick, your car is in the shop, or you're dealing with a family emergency. Whatever the reason, here's how to appropriately text your boss when you can't come in.

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    Career Development, Career Transitions, Quitting Your Job, Workplace Toxicity
    10 Symptoms of a Toxic Work Environment + How to Fix It

    Toxic work environments are a drain on your personal and professional life. Here are ten common signs of a toxic workplace—and how to navigate (or escape) them.

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    Cultivating Confidence
    How to Overcome Your Biggest Career Insecurities For Good

    Got insecurities at work? Sure, we all have things that make us feel less-than or even downright impostor-y at work. Here's how to combat your biggest insecurities at work.

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    30-Day Challenge Ideas to Try Starting Today

    Whether you're looking to set a big goal or switch things up, 30-day challenges are a fun way to break bad habits, start new ones, or just mix it up! Here are some 30-day challenge ideas to try!

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    Freelance + Entrepreneurship, Workplace Toxicity
    Why Multi-Level Marketing Companies Target Women

    Multi-level marketing is not just Tupperware parties anymore. With economic uncertainty, MLMs are still up to their old tricks. Why do MLMs and pyramid schemes target women? Find out.

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    Routines + Productivity
    How to Stop Overthinking: 10 Healthy Tips

    Does overthinking take over your entire work day? Does overthinking keep you awake long past your bedtime and awaken your deepest work insecurities? Here's how to stop overthinking.

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    Routines + Productivity, Working From Home, Working Parents
    The Guilty Pleasures That I'm Not Guilty About

    Me? Guilty? Never! Let this be the year we get rid of the notion of "guilty pleasures" because we deserve self-care, regardless of its form. Here are a few "guilty pleasures" we don't feel guilty about.