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Episode 9: Why Work Feels So Hard Right Now—And How To Fix It with Catherine Fisher

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    Managing Your Money
    How to Manage Debt Financially + Emotionally

    There's a lot of advice out there about how to pay down debt, but how do you actually live with it while you have it? Here's how one writer dealt with her debt both financially and emotionally.

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    Budget, Debt, Managing Your Money
    Debt, 401ks, and Preparing Your Finances During Coronavirus

    If you’re worried about your money plan in light of COVID-19, you’re not alone. From saving money to debt to repayment to investing, there’s a lot on everyone’s minds. Let's talk about it.

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    Managing Your Money
    How to Prepare Financially For An Upcoming Recession

    Here are three things financial experts want you to focus on right now to put yourself in a stronger financial position for an upcoming recession.