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Episode 10: Managing Up: How to Get What You Need from the People in Charge with Melody Wilding

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    Diversity, Belonging + Inclusion
    The Importance of Psychological Safety at Work for Women of Color

    What is psychological safety and why is it more important than ever in the workplace? Contributor Ciera Graham takes us through the pressures and scrutinization women of color face every day—and how to create safe spaces at work, for every body.

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    Career Development, Career Transitions, Cultivating Confidence, Diversity, Belonging + Inclusion, Freelance + Entrepreneurship, Goal-Setting, Hiring, Informational Interviews, Internships + Volunteering, Interview Questions, Job Search Strategies, Leadership + Management, LinkedIn Optimization, Managing Your Money, Networking, Professional Development, Resumes, Routines + Productivity, Salary + Compensation, Work Culture, Working From Home, Workplace Toxicity
    22 Inspirational Career Quotes to Take Into 2022

    This year, we recorded over 50 episodes of The Career Contessa Podcast to stay connected as a source of support for all of 2021. Here are our favorite quotes to take into 2022.

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    Diversity, Belonging + Inclusion, Work Culture, Workplace Toxicity
    Why Intersectionality Matters More Than Ever

    The term "intersectionality" was coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw to speak to the myriad of experiences and oppressions that women of color endure. Here's why it's more important than ever.

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    Cultivating Confidence, Diversity, Belonging + Inclusion, Professional Development, Routines + Productivity
    CC Book Roundup: Our Favorite Books by Black Women (+ The Books We Still Need to Read!)

    Toni Morrison, Brit Bennett, Alice Walker, Jacqueline Woodson, Maya Angelou, Zora Neale Hurston, Glory Edim, Audre Lorde, Angela Davis, Yaa Gyasi, Roxane Gay. This book list features some of our favorite Black Women voices of all-time and their must-adds to your reading list.

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    Workplace Toxicity
    Here's What to Do When Your Company Has Gone Ghost During Racial Injustice

    Being Black in the workplace is already stressful, but during this time of inequality and racial injustice, it has gotten worse.

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    Diversity, Belonging + Inclusion, Workplace Toxicity
    What Can I Do? Anti-Racism Resources for People Looking For a Place to Start

    If a feeling of helplessness is overwhelming you, here are resources to help you get started. These books, essays, movies, television shows, and voices highlight race and the prevalence of racism in America.