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Episode 7: 5 Signs You're Doing Great Financially with Dr. Annie Cole

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    Cultivating Confidence, Goal-Setting, Professional Development
    5 Quotes About Success, Debunked

    We have all been hearing the same quotes about success for too long. Here are five quotes about success that we are no longer subscribing to—and our replacements.

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    Leadership + Management
    How to Manage Employees Who Are Older Than You

    You've made it to manager status—go you! When you find yourself managing employees older than you, you've got it. Here are our best tips for managing multigenerational teams.

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    Goal-Setting, Work Culture
    Iowa Nice—How This Young Millennial Pursues Real Work-Life Balance

    We've become pretty familiar with the narrative around millennials being narcissistic consumers of avocado toasts. We spoke to Karsen Miller, a millennial and native Iowan who took an approach to her life and career that puts every stereotype to rest—once and for all.