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Episode 10: Managing Up: How to Get What You Need from the People in Charge with Melody Wilding

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  • Demo Image
    What to Take Off Your Resume: 6 Things to Cut

    What should be included on your resume and what can be left out? We're answering your questions to help you create the perfect resume—in form and content.

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    Interview Questions
    How to Describe a Challenge at Work and How You Overcame It

    The next time an interviewer asks you to describe a challenge or conflict you overcame, be prepared with a stellar answer.

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    Interview Questions
    How Do You Define Success? Interview Question, Answered

    How you define success can show the interviewers what you value. Follow these steps to prepare your answer + review these example answers.

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    Interview Questions
    How to Answer "What Motivates You?" In a Job Interview

    Finding motivation for the job search is hard enough. Now you have to tell employers what motivates you? Yes and we can help you ace this job interview question.

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    Cultivating Confidence, Interview Questions, Professional Development
    10 Tricks to Calm Your Nerves Before a Big Interview or Presentation

    Your nerves like to jump in when you have a big interview. Cue the sweaty palms, dry mouth, and shaky voice. Here's how to calm your nerves before a big moment.

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    Interview Questions
    How to Ace the Phone Screening Interview

    You've been invited for a phone screening. Here's how to ace the phone screen, even if you hate talking on the phone.

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    Job Search Strategies, Resumes
    Got Gaps? Here's How to Explain a Gap in Employment

    Resume gaps and gaps in employment are perfectly normal, and they come in all shapes and scenarios. Here's how to explain your resume gap with ease.

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    Negotiation, Salary + Compensation
    How to Answer "What Are Your Salary Expectations?"

    Sharing your desired salary is easy, said nobody either. Here are the tools and strategies to answer the dreaded salary interview question. You've earned it (and you're worth it.)

  • Demo Image
    Cover Letters, Job Search Strategies
    The New Cover Letter: 5 Unique Tweaks to Snag Your (Future) Boss's Attention

    Small changes can have a huge impact when applied to your cover letter. Land the interview with these 5 easy ways to make your cover letter stand out.

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    Job Search Strategies
    How to Work with a Recruiter to Find a Job

    People use recruiters constantly to boost their careers. But do you know how they actually work?


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    Sharing Stories as a Software Engineer

    We sat down with Apple software engineer Emilie to learn about her day-to-day working at Apple along with what it takes to run the perfect meeting and her favorite ways to unwind.

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    Creating Impact with Apple

    We sat down with Apple's Senior Developer Partner Relations Advisor, Cris, to learn about what it takes to create a lasting impact within a large company. She shares a typical day in the life, her favorite book recommendations, and her top four tips to running a meeting.

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    Communications + Public Relations
    Creating Content That Empowers Audiences with CNBC's Digital VP and Managing Editor

    This week, we interviewed Jenna Goudreau, the VP and managing editor of CNBC Digital. Let's learn how she keeps her powerhouse content creation machine going.

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    We Got to Interview Our Favorite Washington Correspondent

    Insider perspective on what it's like being a woman in the media in 2018.

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    Consumer Services, Technology
    A Top Lawyer Talks Leadership, Transparency, and a Music Empire's Goals for Diversity

    As Chief Counsel at Pandora, Adelmise Warner has a few thoughts on leaning in.