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Episode 5: Feeling Stuck in Your Career? 5 Ways to Maximize Your Career in 2025 with Ethan Bernstein

Posts Tagged:
decision making


  • Demo Image
    Interview Questions, Quitting Your Job
    Why I Left: Good Reasons for Leaving Your Last Job

    Why did you leave your last job? Here's how to politely explain why you quit your last job in an interview setting.

  • Demo Image
    Career Development
    How to Navigate a Mid-Career Crisis

    Mid-career got you down? You're far from alone. Here's how I'm dealing with my mid-career crisis.

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    Cultivating Confidence, Leadership + Management, Quitting Your Job, Routines + Productivity, Work Culture
    How to Handle Difficult Conversations at Work—Our 7-Step Process

    Difficult conversations are just that—really difficult. Here's how to navigate difficult conversations at work—whether it's confronting a problematic coworker or finally asking for that raise.

  • Demo Image
    Cultivating Confidence, Professional Development
    How to Make Better Career Decisions + 5 Big Decisions to Make ASAP

    Have you accepted a job that you hated or ignored big professional red flags? Here's how to make informed and intelligent career decisions in the future.

  • Demo Image
    Goal-Setting, Leadership + Management, Professional Development
    9 Ways Indecision Is Destroying Your Career

    Are you indecisive? Does it take you hours, days, or weeks to make what may seem like a simple decision? Here's how indecisiveness might be wreaking havoc on your career.

  • Demo Image
    Career Transitions, Quitting Your Job
    The 5-Step Method for Giving Two Weeks' Notice (+ a Free Two Weeks' Notice Template)

    The time has come for you to move on from your current job. Should you give two weeks' notice? In most cases, yes. Here's how to quit your job without losing potential future references.

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    Goal-Setting, Routines + Productivity
    13 Ways to Stay Motivated and Inspired at Work

    Lacking motivation at work? We hear you. Here are 13 ways to reinvigorate your work life.

  • Demo Image
    Career Development, Cultivating Confidence, Goal-Setting, Interview Questions, Job Search Strategies, Networking, Resumes, Soft Skills
    The Details: How to Show That You're Detail-Oriented

    We hear people describe themselves as detail-oriented all the time. But what does it actually mean to be detail-oriented? Let's find out.

  • Demo Image
    Diversity, Belonging + Inclusion, Routines + Productivity, Working From Home
    100 Days of Self-Care: Why I’m Doing It + Why You Should, Too

    Follow along with one writer’s journey as she tackles work, life, and everything in between through 100 days of self-care.

  • Demo Image
    Career Development, Quitting Your Job
    How an Exit Interview Changed My Career

    The exit interview is for you, but it's also for your organization and for those who come after you. Make your voice heard and help implement change, even if you won't be around to see it in action.