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Episode 12: 3 in 30: How to Find Career Clarity with Lauren McGoodwin and Marnie Lemonik

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    Work Culture
    35+ Ways to Deal With Difficult Coworkers

    There are problem coworkers in every office. Here's how to deal with a problem coworker—whether she's negative, doesn't do her work, or is passive-aggressive.

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    Work Culture
    How to Say No at Work + 7 Specific Examples

    Playing the yes-person isn't always right. Read on for the whens, the whys, and the hows of turning people down. Here's how to say "no."

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    Career Transitions
    How to Write the Goodbye Email to Your Coworkers

    From your work BFF to the coworker you don't particularly like, here's how to pen your goodbye emails to your soon-to-be ex-coworkers.

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    Cultivating Confidence, Leadership + Management, Quitting Your Job, Routines + Productivity, Work Culture
    How to Handle Difficult Conversations at Work—Our 7-Step Process

    Difficult conversations are just that—really difficult. Here's how to navigate difficult conversations at work—whether it's confronting a problematic coworker or finally asking for that raise.

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    Soft Skills, Workplace Toxicity
    The Damage Being Stubborn Does—How to Deal With Stubborn Coworkers

    You've likely dealt with stubborn behavior at work, and maybe you're even a bit stubborn at times. Here's how to overcome stubbornness at work.

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    Work Culture
    How to Identify Sexism in the Workplace

    The issue of sexism in the workplace is still pervasive. From subtle biases to overt discrimination, uncover the challenges of sexism at work and learn how organizations can foster inclusivity and equality

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    Cultivating Confidence
    How to Introduce Yourself Professionally

    Looking to make a great first impression at your new job? Here's our in-depth how-to on how to introduce yourself professionally.

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    Cultivating Confidence, Leadership + Management, Soft Skills, Working From Home
    The Art of Small Talk: Why Small Talk at Work Has Big Benefits

    Think small talk is useless and trivial? Think again. Here's why small talk matters at work—and everywhere else.

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    Leadership + Management, Work Culture
    How to Recover From a Fight With Your Coworker

    In a work fight? Discover effective strategies for navigating conflicts with coworkers and even your boss. From communication techniques to conflict resolution skills, learn how to diffuse tensions and foster a positive workplace environment.

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    Work Culture
    How to Keep Your Personal Life and Work Life Separate

    If you're struggling to keep your home life separate from your work life while working from home, we have advice for you. Here's how to set and keep boundaries.