Episode 10: Managing Up: How to Get What You Need from the People in Charge with Melody Wilding
Posts Tagged:
Cover Letters, Job Search Strategies, Resumes
How to Create the Perfect Writing Sample to Get the Job (+ 28 Writing Prompts)
All the writing you need to do in order to get hired can feel daunting if you're not a seasoned writer. Here is how to write a compelling writing sample.
Career Development, Hard Skills
How to Improve Your Writing Skills: 21 Writing Tips for Everyone
How can you improve your writing skills? Whether you're looking to write more confident emails or to improve your blog writing skills, here are 21 writing tips for anyone.
Routines + Productivity
How to Start A Professional Email + Email Openers to Use
How do you start your emails? Do you use the friendly "Hi" or the more formal "Dear"? Let's dive into the best email greetings for every type of email—from a professional correspondence to an email to your best friend.
Cultivating Confidence, Routines + Productivity
6 Ways to Spark Creativity in Your Personal Life
We're talking about good old, off-the-clock creativity. Here are six ways we are doing our best to be creative in your personal lives.
Cultivating Confidence, Goal-Setting, Professional Development
Allicia Washington-White On How Writing Can Reduce Stress + Manage Emotions
Writing can be deeply therapeutic. This week, Allicia Washington-White reveals how writing helps her to cope with stress and manage emotions.
Career Development, Personal Assessment
I Dropped Out of Law School—Here's What I Learned
(I learned a lot.)
Meet goop's Chief Content Officer, Elise Loehnen
On why working on an all-woman team is "pretty awesome."
We Got to Interview Our Favorite Washington Correspondent
Insider perspective on what it's like being a woman in the media in 2018.
Art + Creative
The Future of Digital Storytelling Looks a Lot Like Artsy's Marina Cashdan
On art and media—and how we can tell smarter stories about culture and each other.
Heba Kanso Tells It Like It Is as a Digital Reporter at CBS
After a stint as freelance Broadcast Associate, Heba is living the dream working as a digital reporter at CBSNews.com.
The Story Behind Lifestyle Blog, Apartment 34's, Success
After working for a senator in D.C., Erin Heimstra moved west to pursue her love for writing—and it totally paid off.
How Writing About Baseball Led Molly Knight Straight to a Book Deal
The sports reporter and New York Times Best Seller explains why relationships can make or break your career.
The Founder of Nutrition Stripped Gave Us the Best Advice on Work-Life Balance
Everything you need to know about a career in nutrition from Nutrition Stripped's founder.
An Interview With Katie Hintz-Zambrano of Mother
As a writer and mother, Katie knew that she wanted to create a site for moms to find inspiration on parenting through style, beauty, home, travel and food.
An Interview With Joanna Quraishi on What It's Like to Be a TV Writer
See what it really takes to become a tv writer for a hit television comedy show.
An Interview With Kaitlyn Kirby, Founder of Mini Magazine and Tulle Magazine
Producing a successful magazine is a job that a million girls would kill for. As for Kaitlyn Kirby? Well, she’s at the helm of two!