Episode 12: 3 in 30: How to Find Career Clarity with Lauren McGoodwin and Marnie Lemonik
Posts Tagged:
Cultivating Confidence
How to Make Google Fall in Love With Your Personal Website
We've all probably heard of search engine marketing and search engine optimization. In this article, we de-clutter all the marketing lingo to get you started optimizing your personal website.
Cultivating Confidence, Goal-Setting
How To Market Your E-Commerce Shop (A Beginner’s Guide)
You've launched your e-commerce site. Here are some steps you can take to market it—and open your good and services up to a whole new audience.
Cultivating Confidence, Goal-Setting
10 Easy Steps to Launch Your First Online Shop
Ready to enter the world of e-commerce? We teamed up with Squarespace to give you ten easy steps to launch your own online shop.
Cultivating Confidence
Digital Marketing 101—Get Your Digital Marketing Started Today
Tired of not knowing what SEO, CTR, A/B tests, GA, or KPI means? Dive into the world of digital marketing with us and start marketing your website to the world.
An Interview With Jessica Ann Armendariz, Senior Analytics Manager for Connelly Partners
A self-proclaimed “super data geek,” this woman knows what it takes to garner serious success in search engine marketing.
An Interview With Bonnie Herman, SEO Manager at Connelly Partners
We're answering what SEO is and how to make a career out of this skill.