Episode 11: How to Have Difficult Conversations Without Burning Bridges with Talia Fox
Posts Tagged:
Routines + Productivity
How to Become a Morning Person (11 Tricks to Try Today)
Stay away from that snooze button. Try these tricks to become the morning person you always wanted to be!
Routines + Productivity
Use the Prioritization Matrix to Organize Your To-Dos + Prioritization Matrix Template
What is the prioritization matrix and how does it work? Here's how to hack into this way to get things done by order of importance using the Six Sigma + Eisenhower matrices.
Routines + Productivity
The 3-Step Method to Stop Making Careless Mistakes at Work
Are you making mistakes at work? If the answer is yes, then slow down, take a breather, and follow these steps to stop making careless mistakes in the workplace.
Routines + Productivity, Work Culture
How to Recognize + Recover from a Burnout Diagnosis
Burnout is real—like, really real. Recently recognized by the World Health Organization, work burnout is a serious diagnosis. Here's what you need to know.
Routines + Productivity
7 TED Talks on How to Better Manage Your Time at Work
Time management is a hot topic because it's a hard topic. Here are our favorite TED Talks on managing your time with ease.
Routines + Productivity, Work Culture
Here’s the Way to Organize Internal Comms When You’re Flying by the Seat of Your Pants
Suddenly responsible for keeping everyone on the same page in a crisis? Use this guide to calm the fire drills (and your stress level).
Hard Skills
How to Use Notion for Everything at Work
Notion is a productivity tool that allows user to organize their tasks, goals, and keep track of just about everything. Here's how to use Notion + the templates you'll need!
Routines + Productivity
Why Single-Tasking Might Be the Key to Success
We've all heard about the virtues of multitasking, but perhaps single-tasking is the real key to productivity.
Goal-Setting, Leadership + Management, Professional Development
Our Guide to Setting Personal KPIs for Success
KPIs, they're not just for work projects anymore. Learn how to set—and achieve—personal KPIs at work, at home, and in your relationships.
Cultivating Confidence, Goal-Setting
8 Ways to Practice Compassionate Empathy at Work
Empathy is a crucial soft skill in work and in everyday life. Here's how to implement a more empathetic workplace—no matter where you work.
"I don’t believe in 'having it all'. If you spend more time on one thing, then you spend less time on another thing. All we can do is make choices on how to spend our time."
Work + Life Balance
Are You Burnt Out?
Are you totally fried? Take this quiz to find out—plus, come up with a plan for how to deal.