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Episode 10: Managing Up: How to Get What You Need from the People in Charge with Melody Wilding

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    Goal-Setting, Leadership + Management, Professional Development
    9 Ways Indecision Is Destroying Your Career

    Are you indecisive? Does it take you hours, days, or weeks to make what may seem like a simple decision? Here's how indecisiveness might be wreaking havoc on your career.

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    Routines + Productivity, Workplace Toxicity
    10 Signs You're a People Pleaser

    Are you a people pleaser? People pleasing isn't just "being nice" all the time. Sometimes, people pleasers get in their own way in their careers.

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    Cultivating Confidence, Goal-Setting, Leadership + Management, Professional Development, Working From Home, Working Parents
    The 10 Toughest Career Life Lessons I've Learned (So Far)

    Your career should be a landscape for constant learning, personal growth, and professional metamorphosis (yep, I said it!) Here are 10 important career lessons I've learned so far.

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    Leadership + Management, Soft Skills
    What Are Problem-Solving Skills? How to Master This Soft Skill at Work

    Build and maintain strong problem-solving skills to make a huge impact on your career. Problems arise daily at work. Learn how to face all workplace problems head-on.

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    Goal-Setting, Leadership + Management, Professional Development
    DIY Corrective Action: How Owning Your Mistakes Can Actually Help Your Career

    What is corrective action in the workplace and what can you do to make sure it never (ever) happens to you?

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    Work Culture
    15 Signs Your Boss Might Not Like Your Work

    Managers aren't always the best communicators. Here's how to read the signs that your boss might be less than happy with your work.

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    Work Culture
    The Best Way to Rebound When You Blow It With Your Boss

    So you made a misstep at work and your boss isn't happy. Here's how to take the steps to rebound from a work mistake and make things right with your boss.

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    Work Culture
    Got a Nightmare Coworker? Bet They're Not as Bad as These Stories

    Do you have a terrible coworker who is affecting your work or your team's efficiency? Here's a few of the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to troublesome coworkers.

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    Interview Questions
    This Is Why You Didn't Get Called Back After the Interview

    Wondering why you didn't get that job after the interview? Here are some of the common interview mistakes candidates makeā€”and why it costs them the job offer.

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    Managing Your Money
    Break These 10 Bad Money Habits to Graduate From the Ramen Dinner Lifestyle Forever

    Learn how to stop your bad spending habits with financial advice from Bola Sokunbi.


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    Engineering, Other
    This Woman Took the Male-Dominated Shipyards (and Navy) By Storm

    For Caitlin, a rigid militaristic system means the opportunity to demand respect for what she can do.