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Episode 12: 3 in 30: How to Find Career Clarity with Lauren McGoodwin and Marnie Lemonik

Posts Tagged:
Job Performance


  • Demo Image
    Soft Skills
    What Are Soft Skills? The 12 Essential Soft Skills

    Soft skills are crucial to the modern work environment. Soft skills are the interpersonal attributes you need to succeed in the workplace. They are how you work with and relate to those around you.

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    Career Transitions
    How to Reduce Your Chances of Being Laid Off

    Layoffs are top of the news cycle—and for a good reason. Is there anything employees can do to avoid their chances of being laid off? We have a few tips to help avoid layoffs.

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    Cultivating Confidence, Goal-Setting
    10 Ways to Find or Create Joy at Work

    Is a joy-filled job an oxymoron? We don't think so. Here's how to infuse joy into your career.

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    Career Development
    The Benefits of a Work Journal (+ How to Get Started)

    Journaling is a great way to keep your goals aligned, your thoughts organized, and your wins documented. Here's why we think a work journal is a key to success.

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    Cultivating Confidence, Goal-Setting, Hard Skills, Soft Skills
    30+ Positive Character Traits of a Great Employee

    How do you showcase your best character traits in the interview process and throughout your career? Let's explore the most positive character traits at work.

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    Routines + Productivity, Work Culture
    8 Professional Boundaries at Set at Work

    Boundaries are more important than ever. Here are a few ways to set (and maintain) healthy boundaries for your life—and your work.

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    Career Transitions, Goal-Setting, Leadership + Management, Negotiation, Salary + Compensation
    How to Ask Your Boss for Anything

    We're taking the mystery out of asking your boss for what you need.

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    Career Transitions, Professional Development, Quitting Your Job
    How to Write Your Letter of Resignation (+ Resignation Letter Templates)

    Here's everything you need to write a resignation before heading on to your next big career step!

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    Routines + Productivity, Work Culture, Working From Home
    Why the 4-Day Work Week Works Better

    Everybody is talking about the advantages of the four-day work week, but can it actually work? Also, the 100-year-old reason that we work 40 hour, 5-day work weeks might make you laugh.

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    Negotiation, Salary + Compensation
    Asking for a Raise in 2024

    Asking for a raise can seem difficult, but it doesn't have to be. These 8 tips have helped thousands of employees secure big, fat raises.