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Episode 10: Managing Up: How to Get What You Need from the People in Charge with Melody Wilding

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    6 Foolproof Types of Goals to Set + Achieve

    We all want to set and achieve goals, but how? We're looking at all types of goals and how they work together to give you clarity around all of your lifelong goals.

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    Routines + Productivity, Soft Skills
    Work Smarter Not Harder: 7 Ways to Embrace Slow Work

    We're all told to hustle all the time—to the point of burnout. Here's our case for slow work and why working smarter doesn't always mean working harder.

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    Cultivating Confidence, Goal-Setting, Routines + Productivity, Work Culture, Working From Home
    5 Science-Backed Tips to Start Better Habits (+ Break Bad Habits)

    How do you build new habits? Conversely, how do you get rid of old habits that no longer serve you? We turned to science to find out how to build, alter, and ditch habits.

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    How Manifestation Actually Works + How to Manifest Your Next Career Opportunity

    Sometimes, we all need to manifest what we want from the inside out. Skeptical? Read this article and change your mind.

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    Routines + Productivity
    Why We're Starting a Worry Journal to Worry Less

    How do you reduce the time you spend worrying? Start a worry journal, put your worries on paper, and leave them there. Here's how a worry journal works.

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    How to Write a Personal Mission Statement That Guides Your Career

    What's your personal mission statement? Here's how to write a mission statement that centers your values and guides your career.

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    Career Development
    The Benefits of a Work Journal (+ How to Get Started)

    Journaling is a great way to keep your goals aligned, your thoughts organized, and your wins documented. Here's why we think a work journal is a key to success.

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    How to Set SMART Goals + 10 SMART Career Goals

    Learn how to set Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-based goals for successful career growth.

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    Cultivating Confidence, Goal-Setting, Professional Development
    The Best Commencement Speeches (That We Still Love to Turn to for Advice)

    Some of us just graduated college. Some of us graduated college a while ago. Some of us never had the privilege to attend. Whatever the case may be, these are the commencement speeches that pack serious inspiration.

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    Goal-Setting, Leadership + Management, Professional Development
    Our Guide to Setting Personal KPIs for Success

    KPIs, they're not just for work projects anymore. Learn how to set—and achieve—personal KPIs at work, at home, and in your relationships.


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    Women, Work, and What It's Like to Write With Your Best Friend—From the Authors of The Ambition Decisions

    "We should all give ourselves permission to challenge the things we think can’t be challenged."


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    Career Fit
    How To Set a Career Vision

    A free worksheet that will help you set a career vision, define what you want, what matters to you, and hopefully, find a lot of career clarity.