Episode 10: Managing Up: How to Get What You Need from the People in Charge with Melody Wilding
Posts Tagged:
Routines + Productivity, Soft Skills
Work Smarter Not Harder: 7 Ways to Embrace Slow Work
We're all told to hustle all the time—to the point of burnout. Here's our case for slow work and why working smarter doesn't always mean working harder.
Work Culture
The Great Gloom at Work: Is It Here to Stay?
It's no wonder everyone feels a little gloomy at work these days. Recessions, strikes, pandemics, inflation shortages, and the list goes on. How can we ever get back to happiness at work?
Routines + Productivity
15 Time Management Skills To Master
Time management can be tricky stuff. Here are a few of our favorite ways to master time management at work—so that we can get back to our regular lives, too.
Working Parents
5 Ways Motherhood Actually Boosted My Career
Motherhood doesn't have to mean hitting the "pause" button on your career. Here are five ways motherhood can improve your career.
Routines + Productivity
PSA: It's OK To Be Bored At Work
"Only boring people are bored." Sure, Jan. Guess what? It's completely fine to be bored from time to time. However, it's what you do next that matters.
Environmental + Energy
An Interview With Lydia Froemelt, Clean Products Analyst at Phillips 66
Lydia's engineering degree led her to a career as a Clean Products Analyst for Phillips 66 but working for an energy company has brought more entrepreneurial opportunities then expected.