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Episode 8: 3 in 30: How to Let Go of Perfectionist Tendencies with Lauren McGoodwin and Marnie Lemonik

Posts Tagged:
Data Science


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    Goal-Setting, Leadership + Management, Professional Development
    Our Guide to Setting Personal KPIs for Success

    KPIs, they're not just for work projects anymore. Learn how to set—and achieve—personal KPIs at work, at home, and in your relationships.

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    Career Development
    How to Become a Data Analyst

    Data analysts are responsible for analyzing data using statistical techniques, and it's one of the fastest-growing careers. Here's how to become a data analyst!

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    Cultivating Confidence, Professional Development
    How I Accidentally AI-Proofed My Career

    Data Science is one of the hottest jobs available today, but Diane Change didn't know that when she accidentally AI-proofed her career.

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    3 Biases Keeping Women Out of STEM

    We've rounded up some all too common biases that are keeping women from joining (and staying) in STEM careers and how to navigate these disturbing waters.


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    Omoju Miller—Tech Veteran, Leader, and Volunteer Advisor to the Obama Administration—on The Crucial Role of Creativity in the Tech Industry

    "If you are in an environment where you feel marginalized, leave. Don’t try to change it. Go and look for a place that sees you and lets you be you."

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    This Data Scientist for Etsy Finds Art In Programming

    Hu finds passion in her career at the intersections of creativity and technology.