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Episode 10: Managing Up: How to Get What You Need from the People in Charge with Melody Wilding

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    Routines + Productivity, Work Culture
    How to Recognize + Recover from a Burnout Diagnosis

    Burnout is real—like, really real. Recently recognized by the World Health Organization, work burnout is a serious diagnosis. Here's what you need to know.

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    Career Development, Career Transitions, Quitting Your Job, Workplace Toxicity
    10 Symptoms of a Toxic Work Environment + How to Fix It

    Toxic work environments are a drain on your personal and professional life. Here are ten common signs of a toxic workplace—and how to navigate (or escape) them.

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    Routines + Productivity, Work Culture
    8 Professional Boundaries at Set at Work

    Boundaries are more important than ever. Here are a few ways to set (and maintain) healthy boundaries for your life—and your work.

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    Career Development
    How to Navigate a Mid-Career Crisis

    Mid-career got you down? You're far from alone. Here's how I'm dealing with my mid-career crisis.

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    Career Transitions, Professional Development
    How to Tell Your Boss Anything: 11 Tough Conversations to Have

    How do you tell your boss you're quitting, that you're looking for new opportunities, or that you're starting a family? Here are some of the toughest conversations to have with your boss and how to have them.

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    Routines + Productivity, Work Culture, Working From Home
    Why the 4-Day Work Week Works Better

    Everybody is talking about the advantages of the four-day work week, but can it actually work? Also, the 100-year-old reason that we work 40 hour, 5-day work weeks might make you laugh.

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    Career Development
    What to Do When You Hate Your New Job

    It's your first day or your first week and you realize that you hate your new job. What should you do next?

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    Routines + Productivity, Working From Home, Working Parents
    The Guilty Pleasures That I'm Not Guilty About

    Me? Guilty? Never! Let this be the year we get rid of the notion of "guilty pleasures" because we deserve self-care, regardless of its form. Here are a few "guilty pleasures" we don't feel guilty about.

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    Cultivating Confidence
    13 Common Limiting Beliefs Holding Us Back

    I'm too old. I'm too young. I'm not good with numbers. I'm bad at public speaking. These are all common limiting beliefs that we need to shed in order to grow.

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    Work Culture
    The Great Gloom at Work: Is It Here to Stay?

    It's no wonder everyone feels a little gloomy at work these days. Recessions, strikes, pandemics, inflation shortages, and the list goes on. How can we ever get back to happiness at work?