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Episode 51: 3 in 30: 2025 Workplace Predictions with Lauren McGoodwin and Marnie Lemonik

Team Member

Team Member - Josilin  Torrano

Josilin Torrano

Career Contessa Mentor
My name is Josilin and I have been an in-house Recruiter and University Program Manager for eight years. I fell into this industry as a mere University Relations intern back when I was a student at UCLA. Since 2008, I’ve partnered with the best and brightest minds in the Entertainment and Tech industry to find exceptional talent. I’ve reviewed thousands of resumes, critiqued endless portfolios, and conducted more interviews than I can count on my fingers and toes. In all my roles, the goal has always been to help people find their dream jobs. Whether it’s an internship at Nickelodeon, a software engineering gig at Hulu, or a design role at Facebook, the goal remains the same. What I love most about my job is connecting with people and helping them along in their careers. From feedback on a resume to guidance on a job-search strategy, I love offering results-oriented advice. At Facebook, I travel the world seeking top design talent. I partner with professors for strategic university events and workshops, I collaborate with our incredible design team, and work with my recruiting partners to build a top-rated internship and university grad program. I have been featured in Vault, Career Contessa, Refinery29, Thought Café, Make It New: A History of Silicon Valley Design, and the Miracle Worker series. So, let's get started! My diverse range of recruiting experience can help you clarify your career goals and position yourself exactly the right way to future employers.