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The New Myers-Briggs Is Here—And It's Good

Get ready for the latest craze in personality tests.

INFJ. ESTP. By now, you probably know your Myers-Briggs type. But those four letters only tell half of the story of you as a professional.  
Sure, the Myers-Briggs tells you how you work—how you think, make decisions, and take in information. But it doesn’t tell how you feel about your work, or why you bother doing it at all. Although the Myers-Briggs can tell you what industries suit your thinking style, it can’t answer the questions you really need to ask before you join a company.

As in: what motivates you to put your big girl pants on and brave that commute every morning? What office environments will stress you out to the point of sickness?  Will those after-hours emails or your open-office plan drive you crazy? The kinds of issues that, once they go wrong, ruin jobs and kickstart quarter-life crises. And a personality test should account for that, too.

That’s where the Enneagram personality system comes in. Though its questions are pretty similar to the Myers-Briggs, and its types correlate with those Myers-Briggs initials, the latest fad in personality testing claims to strike at your core emotional needs.

Don’t think of Enneagram as a replacement to the MBTI—more like the feeling right brain to the Myers-Briggs’ thinking left brain. Got it? Good.

cool, which one am i and what does it mean to my career?

Because that’s what we really care about, right? The Enneagram sorts everyone into one of nine different types. If parts of your personality fit a similar type, Enneagram will also give you a “wing” for that type (i.e., if you identify as a Four but possess some Five qualities, you’ll get a Four with a Five wing).

So read below and prepare for an “OMG, same” moment. You might also want to take the free version of the test here (you do have to give them your email address).

type 1: the reformer

Three hours into a project, you can still pick out the errant semi-colons on your slide deck. To-do lists are your lifeline and when disaster strikes, you’re doing damage control. Organized and meticulous, Ones thrive in structured environments with clear guidelines. You’re Type AAA and proud.

Good Jobs For You: Office environments are ideally suited for your love of clear rules, organization, and attention to detail. Good options include any kind of management, computer programming, or law.

Bad Jobs For You: Anything too open-ended and overly reliant on creativity. Sales, design, or free-wheeling startups that haven’t nailed down their workflow yet? Not your scene.

Find a more in-depth analysis (and some famous Ones!) here.

type 2: the helper

You remember every single birthday and feel physically sick when you see someone in pain. More than anything, you’re motivated to make a difference in the world. Sound like you? You might be a Two.

Good jobs For You
: Two options here: You could go with traditional public-facing helping professions—teaching, health care, counseling. But since you’re so personally invested in helping others, 40 hours per week of direct service could burn you out. In that case, look for some behind the scenes positions—marketing, design, or finance—at a nonprofit that you care about.

Bad jobs For You: Anything that could inflict harm onto others—like law enforcement or public relations for a skeezy company—or simply feels meaningless.

Find a more in-depth analysis (and some famous Twos) here.

type 3: the achiever

You climb the corporate ladder like it’s a jungle gym. Ambitious Threes set sky-high goals for themselves. They thrive on the competition and long nights it takes to reach the top, as well as the public recognition they receive there.
The more adrenaline, the better.

Good Jobs For You: Anything high-profile and public facing. Being so driven and energetic, you also want to something that rewards your round-the-clock work with clear advancement opportunities and a high, high ceiling. Public relations, politics, and media are right up your alley.

Bad Jobs For You: Stay away from isolated, anonymous roles. Sure, rising to the top of any company will satisfy your competitive fire. But without that public recognition piece, you won’t feel truly complete,

Find a more in-depth analysis (and some famous Threes) here.

type 4: the individualist

Since you were born, you’ve always felt different than other people. You’re not like, a special snowflake or anything, but you just feel like you’re destined for something besides the standard 9-to-5. Introverted, idealistic, and creative, you often find yourself daydreaming about that special future—and how you can make a difference in the world.

Good Jobs For You: As a Four, I can confirm that we’ve got it rough in the work world. We want careers that allow for self-expression, align with our personal value, and pay our rent. So we’re pretty hard to please and since we’re dreamers, we’re more likely to see the greener grass on the other side, too. But have no fear: we make great writers, holistic health coaches, psychotherapists, and life coaches.

Bad Jobs For You: Does anyone want to work solely for money? Maybe not, but it’s an especially bad move for you. Also avoid work environments that feel shallow or overly abrasive.  

Find a more in-depth analysis (and some famous Fours) here.

type 5: the investigator  

Locking yourself in your office for 12 hours to work on that big project, leaving only for food and the occasional bathroom break. If that sounds more like heaven than hell, you’re a Five. Like Fours, Fives are most comfortable in their inner worlds. But your interests and worldview veer more practical than creative. And you’re so excited by that passion—whether it’s technology or design—that those all-nighters truly don’t feel like work.

Good Jobs For You: Engineering, research, and web development jive with your practical nature, introversion, and killer work ethic. Some more right-brained options—design, architecture, and academic research in the humanities.  

Bad Jobs For You: Vote no on office politics, and probably office jobs in general. Your work’s too important to be interrupted by 25/7 meetings and endless emails.

Find a more in-depth analysis (and some famous Fives) here.

type 6: the loyalist

Steady, secure, and stable. You’ve got a lot going for you—you’re friendly, warm, flexible, and super reliable. But your biggest strength is commitment. You’re personally invested in your job and your work relationships—and you expect the same loyalty both from your friends and your employers. So you’re risk-averse and you seek stability in any job.

Good Jobs For You: You’ll appreciate the development and mentorship opportunities at a large corporation. And since you’re the commitment type, culture fit should be your top priority.

Bad Jobs For You: Sacrificing your health insurance for a startup or small company will wreck your blood pressure. Take your 401(k) and run. 

Find a more in-depth analysis (and some famous Sixes) here

type 7: the enthusiast 

That girl on Instagram who ditched their cubicle to like, hike the Pacific Coast Trail and start her own company? Definitely a seven. Energetic and restless, Sevens see life as an adventure—and with their creative and open-minded personalities, they can turn those plans into action.

Good Jobs For You: A Seven’s least likely to stick with one job—why would you with so many exciting options to explore? They’re most likely to become entrepreneurs, photographers, travel writers, and (probably) a combination of the above.

Bad Jobs For You: OK, not every Seven’s got the luxury to treat life like a road trip. Can’t leave office life? At least avoid jobs that center on routine or endless paperwork, like law, middle management, or accounting.  

Find a more in-depth analysis (and some famous Sevens) here.

type 8: the challenger 

You were the kid that screamed “I don’t wanna!” and as an adult, you steam every time your manager pushes an assignment onto you. Strong-willed, passionate, and competent, you just want others to trust that you can manage your schedule—and shape the direction of your company. You’ll assume responsibility and make the tough decisions.

Good Jobs For You: Your biggest dealmakers are autonomy and influence over others, making you a natural manager or chief executive in any field. Or you can put your decisiveness and persuasion to use as a business consultant, financial advisor, or industrial psychologist.

Bad Jobs For You: Unfortunately, you can’t escape that entry-level life. But thinking beyond the first job, run away from fields with rigid hierarchies, like government or civil service roles. Blaze your own trail, girl.

Find a more in-depth analysis (and some famous Eights) here.

type 9: the peacemaker 

Nines feel a need for harmony, both in themselves and in their environments, that takes precedence over all else. The Nine is basically Peter Gibbons from Office Space—a good-natured, empathetic soul that’s unsettled by pointlessly punitive office rules and passive-aggressive politicking. As implied by the name “peacemaker,” you avoid conflict whenever possible,

Good Jobs For You: Look for a slower (or self-determined) pace and less stress. Consider artistic careers, teaching, or product testing.

Bad Jobs For You: Environments that reward facetime or external performance indicators, like sales, investment banking, or consulting.

Find a more in-depth analysis (and some famous Nines) here.

now what? 

OK, obviously you won’t fit 100 percent into one of nine personality types. And no multiple choice test can dictate how you work. 

There’s a place for both the Myers-Briggs and the Enneagram, though. The Myers-Briggs gives you insight into how you think, which can do wonders for your productivity and overall effectiveness.

But you know job satisfaction’s about more than specific skills or success—it’s about feeling sufficiently challenged, motivated, rewarded and personally accepted in the places where we spend 40, 50-plus hours per week. So when you’re parsing through mission statements and Glassdoor reviews, trying to find the company and culture that’ll align with your personality, work style, and values, give the Enneagram a whirl.
Feature Image courtesy of Monika Hubka.


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