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Why You? How to Explain Why You're the Best Candidate in an Interview

Why are you the best candidate for this role? What sets you apart from the other applicants? Here's how to speak confidently about yourself and explain your unique value in an interview.

You are the best candidate for this job, and you better believe it! 
That's the attitude we should all bring into an interview setting, but it's easier said than done. As interview processes leave many of us feeling riddled with nerves and impostor syndrome, it can be difficult to access the raw confidence you might need to speak positively and knowingly about all of your expertise. 
Today, we're diving into answering the interview questions, "Why are you the best person for this job?" both for yourself and to impress any interviewer.

Why an Interviewer Asks, "Why Are You the Best Person for This Job?"

Before looking into how to answer any interview question, it's best to unlock why the interviewer is asking the question in the first place. For example, almost everyone's least favorite interview question is that one about our weaknesses.
However, interviewers ask that question to get a feel for your perception of yourself and how you work on learning new things and facing challenges. 
So why ask, "Why are you the best person for this job?"
With this question, interviewers and hiring managers are looking for your unique value regarding the role. The interviewer wants to know that you have the ability to do the job well, whether you'd be the perfect cultural addition to the organization, and how you bring something different than any other candidate. 
Answering this question requires a candidate to really think about what this position would be like on a micro- and macro-level. Here are some questions to ask yourself about your unique skills and previous job experience to start considering what your answer looks like.
  • What does the day-to-day look like?
  • What are the responsibilities, and how would you handle the workload? What is the pace of work?
  • How would you be expected to collaborate with others on your team? What do you see yourself doing differently in this role?
  • What unique experience and qualifications do you bring?
  • What's something you have that you're pretty confident the other candidates lack?
  • What can you bring to the company culture that doesn't exist? 
Let's find out. 

How to Answer "Why Are You the Best Person for This Job"

The best answers to this question will be creative and laced with enthusiasm.
Imagine yourself as an interviewer asking the most common interview questions—over and over. The last thing you want to hear is a regurgitation of a resume headline using buzzwords like "highly-motivated marketer" with "proven work experience." 
The interview is your chance to bring your resume to life. 

1. Check Your Relevant Skills  (+ Introduce New Skills) 

To do this, use your job description cheat sheet. The job posting is filled with the soft skills, hard skills, and technical skills that the role requires. Highlight those skills and be prepared to speak about your key skills. 
But don't leave it there. When discussing skills, use specifics. One hack we love is using story circles to answer interview questions like these. Interviewees can create story circles to answer various behavioral interview questions with prepared stories that show the who, what, where, and how of their biggest achievements
For example, rather than simply saying that you possess great communication skills, recall a workplace situation where your communication skill set saved the day. 

2. Insert Your Unique Value 

This is the step that separates a good candidate from a great candidate! For every open job role, recruiters or hiring managers interview approximately 6-10 candidates for each open role. If you've made it this far, you'll want to really stand out from these other candidates. 
This step ensures that you're answering every interview question to differentiate yourself. 
How can you make the answer to this interview question impressive and unforgettable? Find a way to place yourself in the role. Literally (and we mean literally), place yourself at your desk on a Tuesday morning in this job role.
  • How are you using your unique capabilities to make an impact?
  • How do you complete the puzzle among your coworkers and team members?
  • How are you taking your greatest strengths and bringing them to life?
Use your imagination and creativity to show that you're not just a great fit, but you're a perfect fit. 

3. Reiterate Your Enthusiasm 

It always helps to reiterate your enthusiasm for a role that you really want to land. Make sure to communicate your dedication to a potential employer throughout the interview process. 
A great way to reiterate your enthusiasm for a particular role at a particular company is to do your research beforehand. Make sure that you have gathered knowledge about the company. Explore their website, social media, LinkedIn profile, and any reviews. Get to know about the folks on your team, the leadership, and any news items you can find about the organization. 
A deep knowledge of the organization will help you round out the answer to the interview question, "Why are you the best person for this job?" 
Additionally, it will help you answer other interview questions that require a working knowledge of the organization. 

Example Answers to "Why Are You the Best Person for This Job?"

Now, let's put all of that together to create a dazzling answer to this interview question. 
Here are a few examples of answers to this question, using the three steps above, that show why and how you could be a valuable asset to your (hopefully future) team. 

Example 1: 

I am glad you asked this question because I've thought about how to answer it, and I am excited to share my answer. Throughout my career, I've worked on small teams, where I've been able to wear different hats and learn new skills on the fly. In this way, I truly thrive in a fast-paced startup environment. 

In my last job, we needed some graphic design assets, but we didn't have the budget to hire a designer. I mentioned that I could use my Adobe Illustrator skills to create something simple, and I was able to create assets for our company's website. I was actually so proud of myself! I love opportunities to bring additional skills to the table when needed. I would thrive in this early startup position because I have a passion for your mission and am always ready to step beyond job requirements to get things done! 

Example 2: 

When I was writing my cover letter, I wrote that I am a perfect fit for this role because of my leadership skills and my strong work ethic. Throughout the interview process, I've been thinking more about my skills, especially as you've explained how collaborative the role will be. 

In my last company, I was hired at an associate level and was lucky enough to have a great mentor in my boss. They encouraged me to explore my leadership potential, completely transforming my career. In this leadership role, I would love to be that kind of mentor for my team. I want to empower everyone to lean into their top skills, to find new opportunities to learn and grow in their careers and to have a leader that can facilitate fearless growth. 

Example 3: 

The element of this role that appeals to me most is its autonomy. In my previous roles, I have been trusted to develop my own skills further to complete a project. For example, in my last role, I landed a website redesign for a large client. However, they wanted me to create the entire website in WordPress, which I only had a limited working knowledge of how to use. 

Instead of passing this lucrative job to a colleague, I set out to learn a new skill. Within six months, I was the go-to person for all WordPress problems. Beyond learning WordPress, I also created an in-depth slide deck to help my colleagues familiarize themselves with the platform. 

I know that this role requires a combination of autonomy and collaboration. I firmly believe that any successful company must have employees that work together for a larger goal of success. I believe that I am the perfect fit because I see that hard solo work is just as important as meaningful collaboration. 

Other Interview Questions Like "Why Are You the Best Person for This Job?"

While preparing to answer this question, do yourself the favor of reviewing similar interview questions. Knowing how to answer questions that pertain to the specific role, the specific organization, and how you envision yourself within it will be a huge advantage. 
Here are some other interview questions similar to "Why are you the best person for this job?"
Articulating why you're the best person for a job requires a combination of self-awareness, research, and confidence. By following the steps above, you can approach this question with clarity and poise.
Remember to align your response with the job requirements, highlight your relevant accomplishments, showcase your unique strengths, and emphasize your passion and cultural fit. With practice and preparation, you'll confidently convey your value proposition, leaving the interviewers with no doubt that you are the best person for the job.
Best of luck!


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