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Episode 12: 3 in 30: How to Find Career Clarity with Lauren McGoodwin and Marnie Lemonik

I'm Writing a Book! The Story Behind Power Moves

Guess what? I'm writing a book and it's called Power Moves. I wanted to give Career Contessa readers an inside look at what this process looks like. Take a peek!

If you missed my May 2019 Lauren Letter, I'm here to let you in on a secret I've been keeping since July of 2018. 
I'm writing a book. I'll repeat so we all (including myself!) know it's real. I'm writing a book and it's called Power Moves. This is 1,000% the gutsiest project I've ever worked on—and I'm still in disbelief that I'm in a position to take on this endeavor. Pinch me!
Writing a Book

The Path To Writing a Book

Now that my secret is out to my closest group of friends—all of you dear readers—and now that I've turned in the first semi-full draft of the book, I'm ready to share more about how this project came to be. And while I could have shared about my book project when first I signed my book deal, I was too scared. 
I was afraid (and I'm still afraid) of the writing process. I was afraid of what people would think, how they would respond, and I've been afraid on my own inner critic creeping up—in addition to a hundred other fears. Working through fear is a constant work in progress, you know?!
But now that I've overcome one MAJOR hurdle/deadline, I'm hoping that sharing my story will be helpful or even inspiring to some of you facing your own fears
Plus, I'm asking for your help to stay accountable for finishing this book on a strong note!
Writing a Book

How It Started

More than two years ago, a literary agent reached out to me about a Career Contessa book. I was excited but had too much on my plate. I asked that we stay in touch. Almost exactly one year later she followed up and I agreed to put together a proposal. I figured I had nothing to lose with that.
To my surprise, the book proposal garnered attention from some legit publishers. After a few weeks of back and forth, the agent and I decided on a publisher. We signed a deal in the Fall of 2018. 
I was ecstatic! And scared. And happy. And nervous. And I could see my impostor syndrome popping up all over the place. And then I'd get excited again. Can you relate to that cycle?
Writing a Book

What Came Next

Well, this might seem obvious, but the next steps have revolved around actually writing a book. 
I can sum up this process into a few words: A COMPLETE DOOZY. 
This is, by far, the hardest professional/creative project I've ever worked on. It has included many early weekday mornings and late nights followed by weekends in my local library. My dining room table is littered with stacks of research and other organized chaos.
  • I've cried. 
  • I've considered quitting.
  • I've gotten lost in my own words. 
  • And have I've spent a lot of money printing paper so I can re-read my work.
But I've also had the unique opportunity to interview CC readers, as well as, other incredible women. I've been introduced to some of the most interesting research on women and work. And I've experienced the joy of completing the first round of a very challenging project.

Why a Book Now? 

After five years running Career Contessa, speaking to thousands of women, working with companies, collecting data, and developing resources, I've learned a lot about how women can build successful and fulfilling careers on their own terms. 
I've also gained insight into the biggest hurdles keeping women from being in the driver's seat of their careers. I don't believe that just a few women get to have fulfilling careers. I believe that ALL women deserve fulfilling careers that work for them, not against them.
My book, Power Moves, will teach women how to pivot, reboot, and finally build a career on their terms filled with the real-talk vibes and actionable advice you're already used to getting on Career Contessa.
UPDATE: Power Moves is now available to order!


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