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Celebrating Women During Women's History Month—A Roundup

We celebrate women year-round. Here are some of our favorite articles—by in-house team members, our amazing contributors, and other women-focused media sites we love.

It’s difficult to pick our favorite content from women around here—there is an abundance of gold.
Women’s History Month is about celebrating women all over the world. It’s about celebrating the huge strides women have made (and are making) in politics, literature, the arts, social justice, science, math, technology, at home and all across the board.
This Women's History Month, please enjoy some of our favorites—about women in the workplace, women at home, women transitioning through careers, and women generally navigating life (like bosses.)
Women's History

Powerful Women in the Workplace

We are all about women in the workplace making themselves heard. Whether it's voicing support for your work wife or standing up for yourself in a meeting, being vocal is crucial to enacting real organizational change. 
Here are some of our favorite op-eds and stories about women who are standing up in the workplace, getting what they have earned, and sharing their stories—to empower other women to do the same. Whether it's recognizing damaging gaslighting in the workplace or standing up for yourself in a meeting, these are crucial lessons that need to be shared. We're not tearing up, you are. 
Women's History

Women + Motherhood 

Can we "have it all?" We are going to go ahead and say, "yes, we can."
Motherhood is not easy. Whether you're thinking of becoming a mother someday, navigating your work-life balance as a new mother, or contemplating re-entering the workforce after raising your children, we hear you. Below are some of our favorite super-mother or super-mother-to-be stories. 
Women's History

Women in Conversation 

A huge perk of working at Career Contessa is gaining access to powerful stories from dynamic women. Through interviews, our podcast, and reader contributions, we are able to engage in important conversations with women every week. Here are some of our favorites. 


Episodes of The Femails 

Women's History

Women + Their Salaries 

"Is it time for me to ask for that raise?" "Am I earning what I deserve?" "I wonder what my male counterpart is making."
These are all questions and worries from women in the modern-day workforce. We are hyper-aware that there is an unhealthy wage gap, so what do we do about it? 
From our perspective, a great place to start is by telling stories, by sharing information, digesting it, and applying it to our own situations. That's a huge reason we started The Salary Project™—to make sure that women had a place to submit their salaries (anonymously) and see how it compares to other women in their industry, in their age range, and in similar roles. Here are some of our favorite articles from data we pulled from The Salary Project™—followed by some of our favorite resources for you to ask for the fair pay or the promotion that you have earned.

The Salary Project™ 

Asking for A Raise or Promotion 

We can't go it alone here at Career Contessa. There are many other media outlets producing female-focused content every day—we are in great company. Here are a few of our favorite articles that—in all honesty—we wish we wrote. 


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