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35+ Staycation Ideas if You're Not Traveling Anytime Soon

If you're unable to travel now, that doesn't mean you can't take some time for rest, relaxation, and new experiences! Here are 35+ staycation ideas to rejuvenate without the hassle of air travel.

If you're itching to travel, you're not alone. 
If you can't make a real vacation happen this year, consider a staycation. We know, we know. Many of us are sick of our homes, and we want to go somewhere to do something. 
If you feel like you've done all the puzzles, watched all the Netflix, and rearranged all the closets in your home, it might be time for a vacation. Maybe you can't get to Portugal or Fiji anytime soon, but you can create a "staycation" at home. 
Before we dive in, we want to stress the importance of time off. We know it might not "feel like" a vacation when you're stuck at home, but disconnecting from work for a day or two (or more!) is crucial to real recovery. 
So, we're taking a break from our regularly-scheduled career advice to have some fun. Here are a few "staycation" ideas we put together to enjoy from the comfort of your own home. So, get your roommates, your partner, or your kids, rip up your list of chores, and let's go. 
No passport is necessary. 

Staycation Idea #1: Technology-Free Day at Home

While you may not be getting on an airplane, we'd suggest starting this day by putting your phone (and your iPad and your fitness tracker) on Airplane Mode. That's right, we are talking about a technology-free day. 
The news is depressing. TikTok will be there tomorrow, and so will Instagram. Start your staycation by switching your devices to OFF and do anything else but look at the blue screen
If you have kids, buckle up, because they are going to hate this one. Step one is to take all of your technology and throw it in a plastic box, close the lid, and have a day. If you're with roommates, you can use this time to learn more about each other. If you're a newlywed (or you've been with your partner for years) you can use this day to reconnect and laugh. 

Here are a few ideas to replace technology with some old-fashioned fun. 

  • Play some of your favorite classic games (Sorry, Monopoly, LIFE, Clue, etc.) 
  • Catch up on that giant pile of books on your night table
  • Start journaling (here are some writing prompts to get you started) 
  • Have a dance party (okay, you have permission to use Spotify to get the tunes going) 
  • Cook an extravagant meal (you know, the one you've been wanting to cook forever) or try out some new recipes
  • Do some cleaning (not fun, we know, but the results are so worth it) 
  • Create + pack a picnic and head to your own backyard or a local green space
  • Take a bike ride on some new or challenging trails
  • Take the hike you've been meaning to take for five years

Staycation Idea #2: Build Your Own Spa Day 

If your favorite part of a getaway is hitting the local spa, hello, we see you. While all of your favorite spas might be closed, you can still create a spa experience in your own home.
The best part? You don't have to pay for all the extra amenities. Want a DIY face mask? Head to your fridge? Need a deep tissue massage? Your partner probably owes you one. Need a snack? Order room service (aka DoorDash it!) 
All you need to do is get your comfiest robe, fill your humidifier to the brim, queue up the spa music, and let's get to relaxing. If you want to take your DIY spa experience to the next level, we have a few suggestions for you. 

Here are our suggestions to help you to BYOS (Build Your Own Spa): 

And as for spa music, it's going to be crucial for your relaxation. Here are a few spa tracks we found on YouTube:

Staycation Idea #3: Rearrange Your Bedroom (Or Any Room) 

Is it just us or does rearranging a room breathe fresh air into your entire home? If you're thinking "Yes, this seems like a fun staycation idea," then I feel so seen right now. 
Ever since I was a little girl, I found rearranging my room to be a huge break from everyday life. Small adjustments could change my entire perspective, and I still love to do it. 
We're not saying you need to "Kondo" anything, but have you considered what your life might be like if your bed were under the window instead of next to the door? Does your bed need a summer blanket? What if you moved your WFH "situation" into the living room instead of the den? 
Rearranging your home can make you feel like you're in a new home entirely. Seriously! So, get the strongest cohabitant in your house and lift that couch! Here are a few resources to help you with your rearrangement "journey":

Staycation Idea #4: Have a Nostalgia Night + Act Like a Kid

Am I outing myself as a "Total Millennial" by writing this? Oh well! So what? Nostalgia is fun. Everybody loves nostalgia. 
Recently, I went on my first (ahem, and likely my last) camping trip. Before leaving, I blew up our air mattress to ensure that it had no holes or leaks. When my two-year-old saw a bed in the living room, his world exploded. That week, we kept the so-called bed blown-up and we lived in a perpetual state of sleepover energy. 
Take a night to indulge in your favorite movies, snacks, and games from way back when. We're talking Mall Madness, Saved by the Bell, Fruit Roll-ups, and Dunkaroos (which finally made their long-awaited comeback). Want to have a Lunchable (or two) for dinner? Do it! 
Queue up your favorite music videos from the nineties. See how much of the "...Baby One More Time" dance you remember. Have a trivia night about movies, music, or pop culture—you can even have your best friends join in via Zoom. Lean into the things that made you comfortable and happy when you were younger, whatever they may be.
Here are a few more ideas to bring "sleepover" energy to your staycation:
  • Pitch a tent in the living room and host movie nights inside. Bring lots of pillows and even more popcorn. 
  • Have a water balloon fight (It will take an hour to fill the water balloons and will be over in 2 minutes, but the laughs will be so scrumptious!)
  • Dust off the projector and watch a movie on a white sheet hung in your backyard. Invite your neighbors who also didn't go to Italy. 
  • Create a scavenger hunt or a treasure hunt.
  • Host a movie marathon of all those movies people yell at you for not having seen yet. 
Take a break from this year—even if it's just for one night. 

Staycation Idea #5: Arts and Crafts "Getaway"

If you didn't learn to knit or embroider anything over the last 10 months, so what? Neither did we. 
That doesn't mean you can't indulge in an arts and crafts night at your home. Remember those wine and paint parties you could go to on a Thursday with your girlfriends? Replicate that at home. See who, in your household, can paint the best sunset—with our without spilling Merlot all over your new rug. 
If you've been putting off a home project, this could be your night, too. YouTube and Pinterest offer endless (quite literally) options for DIYing everything with your own hands. Here are a few fun ones we found:

Staycation Idea #6: Be a Tourist in Your Own Town 

We all have a list of local attractions we have been meaning to see forever, but we just never got around to it. Growing up in New York, I only visited the Empire State Building one time, and it was because we had visitors in town. I've still never seen Lady Liberty up close. 
Be a tourist in your town. Strap on your fanny pack and see all the sights you've been meaning to see! 
Here are a few other ways to get real touristy:
  • Visit local attractions like the zoo, aquarium, or wildlife refuge.
  • See some live music.
  • Be the live (awful) music by attending the karaoke night.
  • Put your endless pop culture intel to use by attending a trivia night.
  • Try a day trip (ie. a destination within 90 miles of your town) to see some tourist attractions.
  • Find a local winery. If there isn't one around, create your own winery with your own "tastings" of wines from nearby. 


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