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We Put Together a Massive E-Guide on Crafting an Epic Personal Brand

A comprehensive, straight-forward, grab-and-go manual for creating—and maintaining—your personal brand.

This article (and downloadable e-guide) are sponsored by Squarespace.
Personal branding isn't easy, but it's also everything. In fact, it can make or break an opportunity whether that's landing a job interview or new client. 
One of the most common questions we get at Career Contessa is: how do I brand myself the right way, so I can do the work that I want to do? 
Short answer: it's not easy, but it's totally doable. We've covered this in countless ways including articles on switching industries through rebranding and how to avoid slacking on your career and brand. Last year, we even wrote a Build Your Brand month-long article series on related topics. Yet somehow, we've never put together one straightforward, grab-and-go manual.
That's why we decided to finally sit down and write an all-inclusive guide that will rid you of all the head-scratching, "Where do I start?" anxiety and put you straight into "Yeah, I've got this" beast mode. Trust us, there's something for everyone, whether you're starting at square one or have been working on this for years. Not a bad deal, right? 

What to Expect

  • A detailed personal pitch worksheet
  • Tips for using that pitch everywhere from LinkedIn to your personal site to business cards
  • A step-by-step checklist for gathering materials to build or update your Squarespace site
  • A mini-guide to our favorite Squarespace templates regardless of whether you work at a big corporate company or you're a freelance creative (or even something in between like many of us)
  • Our favorite hack for using your personal site in a job interview
  • Plus our favorite ways to fill skills gaps, a guide on how to maintain momentum long-term, and other juicy tidbits you'll love
The best part, though (maybe?), is that it's totally free. Just click download below, and we'll send it straight to your inbox so you can print it off and get started.


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