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10 Types of Networking Events Actually Worth Your Time

Does just the thought of "networking" make your palms sweat? Here's how to pick out the events that are perfect for you.

Who said all networking events were created equal? We say, pick your poison.
In the past, the mere idea of networking produced a physical reaction in me, similar to riding a roller coaster: sweaty palms, nervous chatter, and a slightly queasy stomach.
And now that we’ve added a global pandemic to the mix, well—professional networking might feel tougher than ever. 
Unless you’re a regular performer, no one relishes the idea of speaking to a group of strangers and attempting to be charming, especially when your livelihood is involved. But we all know that networking is an important part of growing and advancing in our careers. 

Table of Contents

These relationships built from meaningful networking can lead to job referrals and introductions to other experts. They can help you feel less lonely as you bounce ideas off a trusted mentor you've developed. Before we jump into the events you should focus on, let's dive into more of why networking matters.

What Are Networking Events?

Simply put, networking events are organized gatherings for people to engage with one another and build valuable connections. The difference between a non-networking event (like a wedding!) and a networking event, is the people who attend usually have the intention to build professional connections.
Moving forward we will see events in a variety of formats including in-person, virtual, or hybrid. Hybrid events include a mix of components meaning part of the event might be in-person while a different part is done virtually.

Why Do Networking Events Matter?

Networking events matter because they play a crucial role in your professional success. They allow career-minded people to meet, connect, and learn.
In-person networking can especially help you build a stronger emotional connection to your work and those in your field. The energy from an in-person conversation or event can re-energize your work or help you find your next job opportunity.
Virtual or online networking events are effective for meeting a wider variety of people. Virtual informational interviews and meet-and-greets enable you to meet others from across the country or the globe, without the hassle of travel.

10 Types of Networking Events Worth Your Time

Despite the universal awkwardness that usually comes with networking, every type offers unique opportunities for you to build relationships depending on your goals. 
And now that many events are digitally-based, there are plenty of options worth taking advantage of. Here are 10 types of career networking events we think are worth your time—and some advice on how to get yourself connected

1. Industry-Specific Speaking Engagements

Whether you’re in marketing, retail, accounting, or another field, there are always people around to learn from. Take advantage of networking events that have a speaker or speakers on a topic directly related to your position or department.
You can find these events by following and/or subscribing to industry news outlets or experts in your field. You might also find them via the specific software programs you use at work.
One of the best parts of these events is that the information—and the networking—is guaranteed to be relevant to your line of work. This might include new software that can help you do your job or the lecturer teaches you about email marketing trends, which you can start to implement at work.
Additionally, these are great ways to meet peers in your industry. You can learn more about their roles, companies, and be sure to swap business cards and LinkedIn profiles in case there are future job opportunities.
These engagements are still happening, albeit mostly remotely. But by logging in online, you will still be surrounded by attendees in your field. Take advantage of their knowledge and expertise. 
Bonus tip: If you have the confidence, offer to speak during one of these events yourself!

2. Roundtable Discussions

Similar to speaking engagements, roundtables are beneficial to those looking to advance their knowledge by communicating with their peers.
Roundtables allow for open forums and discussions that, more often than not, lead to creative ideas and new directions. Roundtable discussions usually include smaller groups since participation from each attendee is expected. Event organizers might even hand-select who they invite as a more effective way of making sure the group has similar career goals and interests.
If you’re stuck on a project, story, or proposal, these are great events to get out of your rut and make some new connections in the meantime.

3. Happy Hour Networking Meetups

If you get the “roller coaster” anxiety about events that I do, happy hour is a tried-and-true tradition in the networking world. It allows for more of a relaxed atmosphere—making small talk and approaching strangers is simpler in a casual environment.
During the happy hour, you can expect things to be informal. Drinks and appetizers are usually served while guests mingle from group to group for shorter discussions until the host (maybe) gives a short speech to welcome people and say a few words about the goal of the event.
Bonus Tip: Active job seekers should avoid happy hours —given their usually laid-back nature, it might encourage you to make the wrong impression on a potential boss.

4. College or University Lectures

If you are lucky enough to live in a college or university town, keep an eye on their events schedule, especially in areas that are connected to your industry. For example, if you are a teacher, check the calendar of events for the Department of Education of your city’s university.
Colleges often bring in industry experts and leaders in the field, and these events are usually very affordable or even free. As a bonus, many of these are happening digitally, so you can enjoy learning and networking right from your living room.
And sometimes the career center might even be hosting open events. For example, I once attended an informational session with Google at a university while I was working full-time somewhere else. Check to make sure you don't have to be alumni to attend first.

5. Company-Specific Informational Interviews

In an attempt to find potential candidates during this era of digitization, many companies are turning to informal informational interviews.
Similar to in-person events, participants are given a few moments per internal employee to either chat via video or via typing before being moved to the next virtual “room.” These events offer a low-stakes way to learn about a potential company or industry and get your name out to potential employers. Check out the company's career page or follow them on social to see if/when they might offer an opportunity like this.
Bonus tip: Beforehand, be sure to update your resume and have a digital copy on hand to quickly send over.
Networking Events

6. Career Fairs

You probably remember these from your college days but they are making a comeback thanks to the pandemic. Companies are still showing up to college career fairs but now they are also partnering with organizations like Watermark, brands like Argent, and job search sites like PowerToFly to host virtual career fairs to fill their job openings. And if you're enrolled in any online learning programs, they might also offer virtual career fairs once you complete a program.
These events are great when you're actively job searching because you know right away what the goals of the company are and what roles they are looking to fill. At these events, it is expected for you to submit a resume, introduce yourself, and ask a few questions about the role and company so make sure you spend some time prepping your elevator pitch.
Some of these career fairs can also lead right away to job interview invitations and, at a minimum, help you network with recruiters.

7. Professional Conferences or Work Summit

Professional conferences and work summits are often much larger networking opportunites. Like thousands of people who gather around an overarching theme (like leadership), industry (like sales or human resources), or product (like Salesforce or QuickBooks) and for 1-2 days they can attend a wide variety of events. Events might include keynote speakers, workshops, networking, and even an expo hall to meet vendors/products/etc. 
Conferences usually cost the most out of all the event networking options we're sharing so it's helpful to do thorough research on the conference first and check to see if it's something your company might pay for. Since you will be meeting lots of people throughout the conference, it's most helpful to bring some business cards you can exchange.
Also, some conferences might include a career fair, which means they are targeting job seekers and you'll want to make sure your resume is updated and ready. If the conference doesn't have a specific job searching portion, then leave your resume at home. Most conferences are more focused on networking with similar people and learning and less focused on filling job roles unless it comes up naturally. 
Bonus tip: With so many conferences and format types (in-person, virtual, hybrid) to pick from, make sure you spend some time researching and finding a conference that matches your interest, personality, and budget.

8. Speed Networking

Have you ever heard of speed dating? Well, then you can start to guess how speed networking works. You have a short amount of time to talk with someone before the buzzer rings and you move to the next seat. During these quick interactions, you'll want to share your 30-second elevator pitch and have some business cards for easy sharing.
Speed networking can be done in-person or virtually as well. And some event organizers will pre-match you with a few people to speed networking with ahead of time. That's a great way to ensure you're spending the short amount of time you get with people you might have things in common with.

9. Webinars or Workshops

We're a bit biased about webinars since we've been offering free webinars for 5+ years, but they are a great networking tool as well! Many times people will register online for a webinar or attend in-person a workshop because they want to learn more about the topic being taught or hear from the speaker. That alone makes these great, but then you add in the opportunity to meet and greet with other attendees and you're in networking heaven. 
Attending a workshop can be especially helpful if you're nervous about networking since the focus isn't on meeting new people unless it naturally happens. And if it's a weekly workshop, seeing the same people every week is an easier way to build up that connection.

10. Alumni Networking Groups

Colleges host non-career events that allow alumni to meet around a common interest such as sporting events, local arts and culture exhibitions, guest lectures and happy hours at local restaurants are just some examples. 
Alumni know they already have a shared commonality and joining a program like this can be a much more comfortable way to get some informal networking in. This type of networking can lead to informational interviews, connecting with referrals at the company you want to apply to, or even picking the brain of a local entrepreneur who might need some consulting work.
 Be ready to talk about your own career as it naturally fits within the conversation. The focus of these events is informal networking so you don't want to come across as too self-serving.

What to Consider When Picking a Professional Networking Event 

1. Choose an Event That Benefits Your Career Objectives

Are you looking for a job? New clients? Start-up capital? Either way, different events (especially the worthwhile ones) are tailored to specific goals. Choose one that aligns with yours.

2. Find Out Where the Right People Will Be—And Go There

If you're looking for a financial backer, you might want to avoid networking events that are lacking the decision-makers. If you’re looking for a job, try to find events attended by hiring managers or HR representatives. Research your favorite companies or industries, and see if there are any opportunities soon that are sponsored or managed by your dream company, or that feature your "dream role" people as keynote speakers or panelists.

3. Ask Yourself What You Need to Learn

Are you looking to attend a meetup or event in your field to escalate your growth? Check out the hosts, the speakers, and the topics being covered. If it’s something you’re already an expert on, look for a more advanced session. These are skill-specific opportunities for you to advance your career through developing and honing in on your strengths—or hey, your weaknesses.

4. Find a Conference or Event That Fits Your Personality and Career Goals

Once your objective is clear, choose an event that will give you a chance to shine. If you’re uncomfortable in big groups, look for events in more intimate settings. The last “rule” is important in our networking-cluttered world. Because the options are vast, you can—and should—attend events that will suit your needs and your A-game.
If you hate ice breakers and small talk—maybe a roundtable isn't for you. Maybe you prefer to listen to panelists, and then break into small groups to workshop specific skills. Maybe you prefer happy hours because chit chat is your favorite thing to do.

How to Network Safely

Editor's Note: We are not health experts here at Career Contessa. However, at the time of publishing (January 2022), we believe these are the safest options according to the CDC. 

1. Lean Into the Informational Interview

Informational interviews are key to building a robust network and finding out more about specific industries or companies that may interest you. Not only do they allow the interviewee to know your name and learn of your potential interest, but they help you to gain valuable insight.
They’re a win-win when it comes to networking. Here’s our guide that explains how to set up—and glean the most from—informational interviews.

2. Perfect Your Online Presence

Since most networking events are likely to take place online these days, refresh your virtual presence like your LinkedIn account, social media accounts, and personal websites. It’s likely that after networking events or meetings, interested parties will Google you.
And when you attend a virtual event, put your best foot—or face—forward. Similar to a virtual job interview, virtual networking events require you to do your research beforehand, dress the part, and ensure that your tech is working. 

3. Take It Outdoors

Though most current networking events we’ve seen are currently virtual, as the pandemic continues and (hopefully!) improves, a few in-person events may start popping up. These will likely take place outside and require masks and other safety measures. If you can safely do so, taking advantage of outdoor meetings and events is a great way to have some face-to-face time away from Zoom.

How to Network as an Introvert

1. Use Your “Warm” Leads to Build Connections (and Confidence)

If the thought of cold-emailing a stranger in hopes of an informational interview causes your stomach to flip, try taking a fresh look at the connections you already have.
Scour your LinkedIn connections or make a list of people you know in the industry in which you’re interested. Reach out to these contacts and request an informational interview or information about networking events. Since they’re likely to recognize your name, it’s less intimidating.

2. Use Social Media to Your Advantage 

Social media is a great way to keep track of networking events in your area as well as online. Engage with leaders in your industry on social media (within reason, and assuming they acknowledge that their account is oriented toward their business) and use social media as a way to take note of the latest trends and events. Influencers and social media-savvy business owners offer tons of free information on their accounts that you can use to your advantage.

How to Find Networking Events in Your Area

We've covered what events you should try to attend and how to decide which ones you want to make time for—but how do you even know where to find these networking events to choose from? A quick google search of "networking events [insert city here]" is a great way to start—but it can also be overwhelming with the number of results you'll likely get. 

1. Your City Event Calendar

Your city likely has some sort of online event calendar—even if your "city" is more like a "farm" and your networking opportunities are limited to the weekly bingo competitions at one of the local churches. It's still something, right? Your city calendar is a great starting point, because the list of events is already curated based on an important factor: distance.

2. MeetUp

Another option that puts you in contact with locals in your area, MeetUp has an array of networking opportunities. By searching for your city and filtering through the types of events you’re looking for, you’re likely to find a few options that are worth your while. 

3. Utilize Your Existing Network

That's right—ask your colleagues. Maybe your coworkers are in industry-specific professional networks, or are secretly genius copywriters who teach multiple creative writing classes each week. Your boss might know of some local groups or meetings that you can attend. And sign-up for our newsletter where we regularly share events we're excited about.
Reach out to connections in your existing network, and see what events they've found helpful or exciting. You can also ask friends (especially if they're in an industry you're interested in) if they have any upcoming events on their radar.
Even if you don't get any recommendations right away, you're letting everyone know you're interested—and you'll be the first person they call when they hear of something.


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