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How to Not Work a 9 to 5 Job

If you don't want to work the so-called traditional 9 to 5 job, this one is for you. Explore how to escape the 9 to 5 and the 40 hour work week to build a career that works on your schedule.

Photo by Malvestida on Unsplash
There's no instruction manual on how to not work a 9 to 5, so we figured we'd make one. 
Many folks enjoy the structure and reliability of a nine-to-five job, especially when it comes to collaboration. If you need your coworkers to send a deliverable, make a quick edit, or get some quick feedback, you're likely to find your target resource at your good old reliable nine-to-five job. 
But what about those of us who, for one reason or another, don't necessarily agree with the structured, 40-hour workweek? Is there recourse for caretakers who work best early in the morning or late in the evening? 
Transitioning out of the traditional work schedule isn’t always easy, and your success will depend on your industry and experience. Don't hastily quit your job, thinking you can start a blog and earn money overnight, no matter what your favorite podcaster tells you to do. 
Remember that most success stories are highlight reels designed to show the peaks and the final project. Many leave out the messy middle. 

Can I Make Enough Money Without Working a 9 to 5 Job?

The answer is yes, but it'll take work and dedication. If running a business were easy, why would anyone work for a boss? 
That's why, before leaving your 9 to 5 behind, make sure you crunched some numbers, saved up an "I quit" fund, and got a few irons in the fire regarding earning potential

Common Ways to Earn Side Money + Start Building a Small Business

  • Freelancing (writing, design, programming, social media management, etc) 
  • Online tutoring or teaching
  • Property rentals
  • Selling goods
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Blogging 
  • Virtual Assistant Work
  • Photography 
  • Consulting
  • Coaching (fitness, career, life, etc.)
  • Event planning
None of the above can be described as "easy" ways to make money because they all require many moving pieces. This includes marketing, website design, client management, and much more. However, these are all great ways to build a client base and your business from the ground up. 

 How to Prepare to Leave Your 9 to 5 Job

There is recourse if you want to escape the 9-to-5 job and be your own boss. However, it's smart to be prepared in terms of our finances and your expectations.
Quitting might be the first step toward a more fulfilling life. However, this decision requires careful planning and preparation. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate quitting your 9 to 5 job and pursuing your dreams.

1. Assess Your Motivation

Before making any drastic decisions, take some time to reflect on why you don't want to work in this environment any longer.
Are you feeling burnt out, unfulfilled, or creatively stifled? Do you have a passion or a dream that you’ve been longing to pursue? Understanding your motivations will help you determine if quitting your job is the right decision for you and clarify your goals for the future.

2.Create a Financial Plan

Quitting your 9 to 5 job often means sacrificing a steady paycheck, at least in the short term. Therefore, creating a solid financial plan is crucial before taking the leap.
  • Calculate your monthly expenses, including rent or mortgage payments, utilities, groceries, and other essential costs.
  • Assess your savings and determine how long you can sustain yourself without a regular income.
  • Consider alternative sources of income, such as freelance work or part-time gigs, to supplement your finances during the transition period.

3. Develop a Transition Strategy

Quitting your job doesn’t have to be an impulsive decision. Instead, consider developing a transition strategy that allows you to leave your 9 to 5 job on your own terms. This could involve gradually reducing your hours, negotiating a part-time arrangement with your employer, or saving up a financial cushion before making the leap. By planning your transition carefully, you can minimize the risks and ensure a smoother transition into your new career path.

4. Perfect Your Skills

Quitting your 9 to 5 job presents an opportunity to pursue your passions and explore new avenues of interest. Whether you dream of starting your own business, freelancing in your area of expertise, or pursuing a creative endeavor, now is the time to take action. Invest in your skills, network with like-minded individuals, and seek out opportunities that align with your interests and values. Remember that success often requires patience, persistence, and a willingness to step outside of your comfort zone.

5. Embrace Uncertainty

Quitting your 9 to 5 job can be a daunting prospect, filled with uncertainty and unknowns. However, it’s important to embrace this uncertainty as part of the journey toward personal and professional growth. Instead of fearing failure, view it as an opportunity to learn, adapt, and evolve. Stay resilient in the face of setbacks, and remain open to new opportunities that may arise along the way. Remember that the path to success is rarely linear, and each challenge you encounter will ultimately contribute to your growth and development.

Real Alternative to the 9-to-5 Work Schedule

From freelancing and entrepreneurship to remote work and flexible scheduling, there are myriad opportunities for those willing to explore unconventional career paths. However, maybe you can have the best of both worlds. 


Freelancing has surged in popularity in recent years. It offers individuals the freedom to work on a project basis for multiple clients. Whether a graphic designer, writer, programmer, or marketing consultant, freelancing allows you to leverage your skills and expertise to create a flexible and independent career.
With the rise of online platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr, freelancers can easily connect with clients worldwide and build thriving businesses on their own terms, which brings us to our next option. 


Entrepreneurship presents an exciting opportunity for those who are passionate about innovation and driven to create something of their own.
Whether launching a tech startup, a small business, or an e-commerce venture, entrepreneurship allows you to pursue your vision and build a business on your terms. However, the pursuit of entrepreneurship comes with a long list of risks and responsibilities

Remote Work

The advent of technology has made remote work more accessible. The "trial period" during the pandemic served as proof positive that many work environments could, in fact, operate on a remote basis. Remote work offers the flexibility to design your own schedule, avoid lengthy commutes, and achieve a better work-life balance.
Many companies now offer remote work options, enabling employees to collaborate effectively while enjoying the benefits of location independence. Whether you're a digital nomad traveling the world or simply working from home, remote work provides unparalleled flexibility and freedom.

Flexible Scheduling

While the traditional 9-to-5 job typically involves rigid hours and a fixed schedule, many companies have adapted flexible or hybrid schedules to accommodate their employees' needs. Flexible scheduling allows individuals to customize their work hours to better align with their personal lives, whether they're caring for children, pursuing hobbies, or managing other commitments.
This can involve compressed workweeks, flexible start and end times, or remote work days. By prioritizing work-life balance and empowering employees to manage their schedules, companies can foster a happier, more productive workforce.

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