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How Manifestation Actually Works + How to Manifest Your Next Career Opportunity

Sometimes, we all need to manifest what we want from the inside out. Skeptical? Read this article and change your mind.

What is manifestation, and how does it work when it comes to making big career moves?
And one more question: does manifestation actually work? 
Maybe that one job comes to mind—or the promotion you’ve had your eye on forever.
Or maybe you feel like you have those friends for whom everything just seems to fall into place miraculously—they’re constantly landing interviews with great companies, snagging kickass work perks, and even getting a raise.
Like seriously, do they have a magic wand or something?
While it may seem like some mystic outside force is dealing out great cards to some and crappy cards to you, the truth is, a lot of what comes to us from the outside depends on our insides.

Table of Contents

What Is Manifestation?

We’ve all heard the phrase “you get what you give.” With manifesting, the practice of intentionally creating what you want, this takes on a whole new meaning—one that revolves around the concept of energy.
Manifesting is a concept that can empower us—it leaves us to control our futures instead of chalking what happens (or doesn’t) up to fate or chance. To manifest something is to clearly focus on and think about it, to secure yourself in a mindset where you so firmly believe in what you’re manifesting that it is bound to come your way. To summarize it in one sentence: the energies you exude will return the same kind of energies.
To summarize it in one sentence: the energies you exude will attract the same kind of energies back. Okay, we realize this may sound a little hippie-dippy—but bear with us. Even Oprah is a fan.

Does Manifesting Actually Work?

Since you know manifesting will take some real work and dedication, you might be curious if it really works before you make that investment, right?! The answer depends.
There is no scientific evidence that proves that manifestation works. And even though there aren’t before and after studies, plenty of mental health professionals believe in the positive impact manifesting can have on a person’s overall wellness. Especially when it's practiced for the right reasons.
The secret (pun intended!) is that you must be very clear on your goal. It is required to be specific about your goals and take specific actions to attain them. Wishing thinking is unfortunately not enough because actions over thoughts matter most.
If you’re ready to start manifesting your goals with actions to back them up, keep reading!

The Law of Attraction

Manifesting is more than just the latest buzzword or trending hashtag. It’s rooted in the Law of Attraction, which is essentially the ability to attract whatever we focus on. 
We can use the Law of Attraction in our favor, fine-tuning our thoughts to manifest our desired lives. But it’s not as simple as just wishing for something and having it appear. It takes intense focus, dedication, and often time.
Even though we may not realize it, our thoughts and energies really do rule our lives. This becomes evident quickly: If we are negative and feeling down, negative things seem to come our way. 
The same is true about the correlation between positive thoughts and positive experiences. We are consistently manifesting, whether we mean to or not, so we might as well learn to use it in our favor. 
Although the Law of Attraction applies to everybody (and, by extension, so is manifestation), it’s not an easy skill to master. Because it’s a simple concept, many people are often misled into thinking manifesting is a simple self-help practice full of crystals, good vibes, and astrology talk.
It’s a serious habit requiring consistent, focused, and constant intent.

How Do You Manifest Something? 

The good news is that you can overcome negative self-talk and start to manifest things without hiring an expensive manifestation coach or watching a quick but vague social media/tiktok video.
The New York Times bestselling author and life coach Gabby Bernstein suggests five principles for manifesting your desires. Here's the breakdown of her manifestation method in a few simple steps.

Step 1: Suspend Disbelief

This step, what Bernstein calls "clearing space," is necessary before even beginning the actual manifesting process.
It involves ridding yourself of the disbelief that you can’t/won’t be happy—clearing out that space in your head so you’re no longer blocking yourself from your great potential. Says Bernstein, "Before you begin the manifestation process, you must take the necessary time to release all your disbelief in your power to be happy."
Desiring your dream job? Stop telling yourself that it’s impossible to get, too competitive, you’re not qualified, etc. Cut those limiting beliefs and negative emotions out. Believe that you can get it and that you’ll kill it. That’s your first step.

Step 2: Clarify What You're Actually After

…and get specific.
In order to get what you truly desire, you must be crystal clear about what exactly that is. Clarify your intentions so that you know exactly what it is you’re seeking. Bernstein suggests you make a list of precisely what you want because "this list helps you clarify your intentions and access a vibrant mental picture of what you desire." And most important, according to Bernstein, is that you get clear about how you want to feel. When you clarify what you want to feel, you can start to tap into those feelings.
What appeals to you about the job? The company atmosphere? The flexible hours? The opportunity to exercise your creativity? Write it all down. Then think about how these aspects will make you feel—fulfilled, proud, entertained? Get specific!

Step 3: Set Aside Actual Time to Imagine Experiencing Reaching Your Goals

Once you’ve set those clear intentions, take time each day to soak in the feeling of what you want. This can be done in various ways, but meditation and visioning exercises are popular.
The more you take time to feel the feeling of what you ultimately desire, the closer you will be to attaining it.
Carve time out of each day to take action. Sit in your favorite outdoor spot or walk a quiet path and really envision yourself where you want to be. Soak in the feeling of shaking your future boss’s hand and accepting the position, completing your first big project at the new job, establishing healthy and strong connections with your coworkers, etc.
You can also try visualization techniques, reciting positive affirmations, and setting aside any negative thoughts that arise in the process.

Step 4: Stop Worrying So Much 

Bernstein calls this the "Chill!" principle. But basically: patience and faith are key.
To really manifest your wants into reality, it’s crucial to relax and wait without anxiety. Understand that the universe may not be on the same time schedule as you, but that it knows better anyway.

Step 5: Have a Little Faith 

“Getting in the know” is a natural occurrence. Principles one to four will guide you to being in the know—a state where you no longer fear or experience doubt. Instead, you know you’re exactly where you need to be. Says Bernstein, "When you feel it, you live it—regardless of what is happening on the outside. In time, the universe catches up with your energy and your desires come into form. "
Remember that it ultimately comes from the inside—if you feel it internally, you can live it, regardless of where you currently are. The universe will catch up eventually as your desires manifest into form.
Have faith in where you are, and remember it’s where you need to be. Your desired job or position will come when it’s meant to. Until then, trust the process.
Read Bernstein's whole 5-step guide to manifesting here

How to Manifest Something by Writing It Down

Since manifesting your goals is a collaboration between you and the universe that will require action to see results, it’s important to make manifestation part of your daily routine.
For example, if you wanted to land a new job, you might set the action to have one informational interview each month. The action is the informational interview.
One of the best ways to create a new routine is by putting pen to paper!
Start by following the steps above to get really specific about what you want. Be detailed and concise. For example, instead of saying I want to be a CEO one day, which is still very broad, develop a more detailed picture. What’s the company? Who do you work with? What is it like to interact with your team, etc?

Use The 369 Method

Next, grab your favorite journal and write it out. A popular technique is the 369 method.
You write down what you want in the following order: 3 times in the morning, 6 times in the afternoon, and 9 times at night for 33 or 45 days.
You could also write out your goals each day in your journal as letters to the universe. 

Other Ways to Manifest What You Want

Want to find a few more ways to manifest what you're after? 

Make a Vision Board

Create a vision board or journal to help you see your daily goals. Keep this in a place where you can see it often to put you in the right mood and increase your motivation. The fridge, your desk, next to your bed are all good options.

Start Journaling

We mentioned this above, but it’s worth repeating. Carve out 10 minutes daily to journal and reflect on your actions to reach your specific goals. You can even write in the 3rd person as your future self. What does your future self feel right now? 
Include the negative feelings as well and address how you'll work through them. Positivity is important but we know it's also helpful to envision the challenges you might encounter and how you'll overcome them so you still reach your goals vs quit.
Here are a few journals we love:
...and there's one more type of journal that we LOVE...

Keep a Gratitude Journal

We know the frustration that can set in when results don't happen as quickly as you want. However, even if things take a bit longer to happen, it’s important to acknowledge what you do have and be grateful. That’s where gratitude letters and gratitude journals can help! 


Bernstein is a big promoter of daily meditation. By now, you know there are a zillion apps you can use to get started, like Headspace.

Try Prayer

We’re not talking about believing in a higher power. You can use prayer or spirituality to focus on your goals, progress, and feelings. From here, determine the specific actions you want to take.

Rituals or Power Moves

We often refer to rituals as Power Moves
Why? Because they have the “power” to change your behavior. Find a way to create new routines and rituals that help you check in with your goals each day. 

369 Manifestation

You write down what you want in the following order: 3 times in the morning, 6 times in the afternoon, and 9 times at night for 33 or 45 days. The 369 manifestation technique is a great way to get started.

55x5 Technique

You write out an affirmation or mantra 55 times a day, five days in a row. Sound silly to you? This technique helps to send the right signals to your subconscious—and it can have a huge impact. 


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