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Episode 10: Managing Up: How to Get What You Need from the People in Charge with Melody Wilding

Looking for Work in a New City? Don't Miss This Essential Step

Just moved or planning a move to a new city without work lined up? Here's how to job hunt outside of your current zipcode.

I totally get where employers are coming from when they skip over applicants that aren't local, especially when they're looking to fill less-specialized roles.
Most employers looking to fill less specialized positions can’t and won’t deal with non-local applicants because (1) they don’t want to pay for your travel expenses, and (2) they don’t want to waste any time interviewing someone that might not move. Unfortunately, there’s a good chance that when New York employers come across your resume with your Indiana address, they trash it without a second thought.
Because I am not by any means encouraging you to lie about your address—that never ends well—let’s talk about some other strategies to increase your odds of landing interviews.


One good strategy is to create in-person connections. If you have a little time, consider taking a little trip to your future home 
Plan a trip to New York that gives you at least three workdays of free time for networking. About four weeks prior to your visit (and eight weeks prior to your move date), schedule as many informational interviews and networking events into those three days as you can. You’ll want to reserve people’s time far in advance to make sure you make the most of your “networking vacation.”


Find people via LinkedIn, friends and contacts of friends that work within companies and/or jobs you’re interested in pursuing. During your conversations, feel free to be open about the fact that you have plans to move to New York and will be on the job hunt soon, but don’t flat out ask for a job. Just the simple mention will put it on their radar without making them uncomfortable.
Connect with your dream list of connections. 


Remember how your best friend used to live in New York? Does she have any connections? Yes, she does. 
Peel away the layers to your network—the one you're currently pretty sure you don't have. Make a list of the ideal companies in New York. From there, conduct a LinkedIn search through your current connections. I promise that you will be shocked at how many crucial networking contacts are one or two degrees away from you. Reach out to your network. Put a bug in everyone's ear. Scream from the mountain tops, "I AM MOVING TO NEW YORK! DO YOU KNOW ANYBODY IN NEW YORK?"
You already have connections waiting for you. It will only take a little digging to find (and connect with) them.


Now that you have made a slew of New York connections, follow up with each person to thank them for their time, tactfully ask them to keep you in mind in case they hear of any new job opportunities, and attach your resume. You may or may not have interviews lined up by the time you move, but whatever the case, you have definitely given yourself a head start.
Once you officially move to New York, follow up with your contacts again, letting them know that you’re officially a New Yorker, and continue to schedule as many in-person networking opportunities as possible.
Things will definitely start happening as you continue to connect with more people!


If you move to a new city without a new job in place, don't panic. Keep repeating steps two through four. Keep connecting, keep digging, and open yourself to unexpected opportunities. 
Moving to a new city allows anyone to enact a refresh. It can be scary, but also so liberating. So, my last tip is this. Ditch the dream job idea. It simply doesn't exist. Your life is about to change so much. While you may have a certain job title or industry you want to remain in, don't neglect other unique opportunities for tunnel vision. 
Opening yourself up tends to bring about some of the most exciting opportunities! Good luck! 


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