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10 Tricks to Calm Your Nerves Before a Big Interview or Presentation

Your nerves like to jump in when you have a big interview. Cue the sweaty palms, dry mouth, and shaky voice. Here's how to calm your nerves before a big moment.

Photo by Tasha Kamrowski from Pexels
Before any interview, my palms get notoriously sweaty and my heart rate shoots up so fast I can barely catch my breath.
Meanwhile, my brain is anxiously trying to remember details from the company’s website, plus the interviewer’s name. It can be challenging to calm nerves in the midst of a very stressful—and, not to mention, mentally exhausting—situation.
Luckily, these pre-interview jitters are totally normal! 

Why We Get Nervous Before Interviews

Dr. Sherry Benton, Psychologist and Chief Science Officer of online behavioral health platform Tao Connect, explains that nervousness often happens when we do something that feels like a performance. In a nutshell, it’s our brain’s way of preparing our bodies for anything that comes its way. 
This means that before an interview, the brain reacts similarly to any other fight or flight situation. Even though you are not in any immediate physical danger, your brain is helping your body be on the defense just in case.
Dr. Benton calls this response “performance anxiety,” but I like to refer to those nerves as the pre-interview jitters. 
Let’s dig into the science behind these jitters a bit more. At a high level, adrenaline is the key hormone that causes your body to have this kind of physical response prior to an interview.
According to WebMD, an adrenaline rush can feel like anxiousness, nervousness, or pure excitement as you prepare for some kind of event, but the important part to consider is how to manage these feelings to succeed during your interview. 

10 Ways to Calm Pre-Interview Jitters

The next time you feel like your body is betraying you before an interview, tap into these tips and resources to help you overcome anxiety fast. 

1. Listen to Inspirational Songs

Listening to music can improve your mental state, so hype music is an absolute must before any interview. Not only is it a great opportunity to discover empowering lyrics to boost your confidence, you can also physically shake off the jitters with some dancing.
Here are a few hype songs we love:
  • Good As Hell by Lizzo
  • Girl On Fire by Alicia Keys
  • Shake It Out by Florence + The Machine
  • Sandstorm by Darude
  • Dancing on My Own by Robyn
  • Only Girl (In The World) by Rihanna
  • Ring The Alarm by Beyonce

Why This Works:

professor at West Virginia University’s School of Public Health explains that music selectively activates neurochemical systems and brain structures that are typically connected to positive moods.
If you have a go-to playlist, that’s even better, because your brain has already developed a positive connection with those songs! 

2. Strike a Power Pose

According to Harvard professor Amy Cuddy, standing in a power pose for two minutes can actually make you feel more confident.
Whether it’s a superwoman pose or simply opening up your body, a power pose can help you feel more confident before walking into an interview.
Here are a couple of other poses Cuddy suggests having in your confidence toolkit: 
  • “The Victory Pose” - Standing, lift your arms into a V as if you just won a race, and hold the position for two or three minutes.
  • “The Feet-on-Desk” - I also fondly refer to this one as the “Mad Men pose.” For this one, put your feet on your desk and lean back with your hands behind your head. It’ll make you feel like you’re in charge. 

Why This Works:

According to Cuddy, these power poses are nonverbal expressions of dominance and power that trick our brains into believing we are more confident than we actually feel.
Biologically, the poses can increase testosterone, which helps you feel more dominant, and decrease cortisol, which helps with stress. 

3. Crowdsource Compliments from Friends and Family

Right before an interview, it’s time to put your pride aside and ask your friends and family for compliments. Honestly, the group chat with your college besties is the perfect place to turn to for some confidence-boosting. 

Why This Works:

We get so wrapped up in our own heads that sometimes it’s hard to remember why we’re worthy of a job. Since we’re typically our own worst critics, why not turn to the people who love us most to hype us up just in time for an interview?
Furthermore, it’s scientifically proven that receiving a compliment positively affects your brain by activating the rewards center of the brain, known as the ventral striatum and the ventral medial prefrontal cortex. 

4. Wear a Good Outfit

This is a no-brainer, but in any situation where you want to feel confident, you should pick out an outfit that makes you feel like your best self.
Prior to your interview, double-check the company dress code and pull together an outfit that reflects your personality and the company culture.

Why This Works:

Therapist and Fashion Institute of Technology instructor Dawnn Karen, teaches about “mood enhancement theory,” which explores how an item of clothing can amplify positive emotions.
When we wear an outfit that makes us feel good, it gives us a sense of control—which is just what we need during an interview. 

5. Repeat Mantras

Leading up to a job interview is the ideal time to employ the confidence mantra. Even if you don’t feel like your most confident self, you can speak it into existence by reminding yourself that you are powerful and deserving.
Here are a couple of mantras to use before your next interview (or use these as inspiration to create your own!):
  • “I am creative, intelligent, and strong.” 
  • “I am fearless, a powerful leader, and resilient.” 

Why This Works:

According to scientific studies, repeating mantras affect the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps slow breathing. It also helps activate the vagus nerve, which indicates to our bodies that we need to relax.  

6. Shift Your Perspective

Although it can feel like this job is the end-all-be-all, the reality is that there will be other jobs that are an even better fit. Instead of worrying so much about whether the company will like you, consider if the company or role is a good fit for you.
They already want to interview you because, based on your resume, your experience qualifies you for the role. 

Why This Works:

Rejection hurts, there’s no way around that. In fact, the parts of our brain that light up when we're in physical pain are the same parts that light up when we're rejected.
So, if you go into an interview knowing that you are scoping out the company just as much as they’re scoping out you, power and control can feel more equal rather than completely in the hands of the company.   

7. Prepare

Whether you’re attending a Zoom interview or an in-person interview, there are steps you can take to prepare for any question that is thrown your way. 

Why This Works:

It’s simple! The more you practice, the more confident you will feel before and during the interview. "Practice makes perfect" is a very real sentiment when it comes to interviews. 

8. Plan to Treat Yourself Post-Interview

Maybe it’s your favorite Starbucks drink or lunch with a friend, but having something to look forward to can calm your nerves and help you unwind post-interview. 

Why This Works:

According to scientists from George Mason University and Wake Forest University, anticipating a positive event is related to decreased negative emotion in the present. 

9. Remember to Breathe

Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Taking deep breaths will help slow your heart rate down before your interview. 

Why This Works:

Lengthy exhales are linked to the parasympathetic nervous system, which controls our fight-or-flight response. So when you exhale, you are signaling to your body that it is time to calm down

10. Arrive Early + Walk It Off

If you’re heading to an in-person interview, give yourself enough time to get there early. That way, you won't feel stressed about running late. Plus, you can take time to walk around include some of the other tips as well—like listening to inspiring music or deep breathing! 

Why This Works:

Arriving early will help you feel more prepared going into the interview. When you feel rushed, it can be challenging to focus on what you need to do. Especially if you’re not familiar with the area, it’s best to give yourself enough time to figure out parking, find the office, and, of course, repeat your mantras! 


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