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Episode 10: Managing Up: How to Get What You Need from the People in Charge with Melody Wilding

How to Ask Your Network for Help With Your Job Search

Did you ever consider that your network might hold the key to your next career move? Here's how to put you (existing!) network to work—and find your next career move.

If you've recently graduated or you're currently in a position that's less than ideal, one of the quickest ways to kickstart a job search is to reach out to the people you already know.
Here's a little secret. Even if you just graduated college and you think you don't "have" a network, think again. We all have networks. It's just that we haven't done the legwork to identify them. 
So, before we dive into how to reach out to your network to get help, let's explore a few steps to identify where some key figures might be hiding in your own professional spiderweb. 

How to Unlock Your Secret Network 

I'm going to start this advice by giving some advice I've given a dozen times before. If you're launching your job search in a quest for "the dream job," ditch that mentality right away. My advice, instead, is to identify a "dream company" or a few ideal companies and reverse-engineer your networking search from there. 

Use LinkedIn for Its Most Powerful Purpose

LinkedIn isn't great for sharing cat memes or for reconnecting with your Great Uncle.
However, LinkedIn is an amazing place to find out who works for a company or has worked for a company in the past. So, if your ideal company is Google, conduct a search on LinkedIn. You'll be surprised to find that your best friend's sister works there. You also might find that an even closer connection worked there in the past. These are two great connections to have in order to set up informational interviews or casual chats about what it's like to work at the company. 

Connect on Social Media

This is more of a long game, but do it. The job search can be a long process and your career is an ever-evolving thing, so connect with your own personal "dream team" ASAP. Depending on your industry, you might make connections with the thought leaders in your industry on Twitter, LinkedIn, or even Instagram. 
Don't connect and follow up immediately with an ask. Instead, cultivate an e-relationship. Like their posts, retweet their best articles, and share their most poignant LinkedIn posts about the industry. 

When You're Ready, Reach Out to Your Network 

To get your network to "work" for you, you'll want to get in touch via email or over the phone but also in-person, if possible. We like coffee dates for this. Ask any relevant contacts to meet for a quick cold brew, so you can learn more about their career path in a way that doesn't disrupt anyone's day (too much). Afterward, send her a thank you email (this is a must!). Here’s an example:
Hi [Name],

Thank you again for taking the time out of your day to meet with me! It was so encouraging to hear about your career path and why you chose to become [Insert Job Titie]. 

I've actually continued to research the role and I'm now actively pursuing full-time opportunities. I'd really appreciate you keeping me in mind for any [Insert Job Titie]  roles that come across your desk. I have also attached my resume in case you want to pass it along. 

Lastly, I wanted to see if you had any other informational interview referrals? I'd love to connect with other (insert job title) and learn about their career paths, too. Thank you again for your time and I look forward to staying in touch!


[Your Name]

[LinkedIn Profile]
[Phone number]
The goal is to stay on her radar and gently see if she could refer you for a job. Since you're not directly asking for a job, your email will just appear to be proactive with your job search.
Another approach to getting your network to "work" for you includes reaching out when there is a specific job you want a referral for. For that, I suggest sending the following email example:
Hi Mary,
Thank you again for taking the time out of your day to meet with me! It was so insightful to hear about your career path and why you chose to become (insert job title). I've continued to research the role and industry and came across an opening for a (insert job title) at your company.

Would you be comfortable sharing the hiring manager's contact information with me? As you know, it can be hard to stand out in a sea of online applications, so I'd love the opportunity to send my resume directly to her.

I have also attached my resume with a brief introduction included in case you're more comfortable sending my information directly to (insert hiring manager name).

I really appreciate your time and any assistance you can provide in my job search.

I look forward to staying in touch!


[LinkedIn Profile Link]
[Phone Number]
Regardless of the situation you find yourself in, I always recommend asking your network to help with your job search via email—or LinkedIn message—because it gives them the opportunity to give your request some thought without being put on the spot. It also gives you the time to put together an elegant response.


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