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Episode 12: 3 in 30: How to Find Career Clarity with Lauren McGoodwin and Marnie Lemonik

Use This Script to Finally Get That Raise You Want

We know it works because we've used it ourselves.

Wouldn’t it be great if there were just a script for asking for a raise?
Oh yeah, we made one. It’s called the GIMME (cute, right?), and it will help you prep your ask in advance of that big meeting with your boss. The GIMME is a 5-step process that covers everything from how you open the conversation to how you end it in style. It looks something like this:
  • G: Give Background Info
  • I: Introduce Why You’re Awesome
  • M: Make Your (Researched-Based) Case
  • M: Make the Ask
  • E: End with a Bang
By hitting each step as you talk, you’ll make a clear case for why you deserve more money, and you’ll provide your boss with a clear idea of what value you bring to the team. It’s a perfect sell—one that’s a win-win for both of you.
We’ve outlined the whole thing in a free downloadable script complete with examples. Snag a copy of our GIMME script by entering your email address below—we’ll send it straight to your inbox.
P.S. Don't forget to check out our other mini-resources as well. 


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