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4 Crucial Tips for Writing the Interview Thank You Note

It might just be the thing that lands you the job.

So you really want this job?
You have likely already written a captivating cover letterundergone a brief phone interview and finally, were invited into the office for an interview. The interview went swimmingly (because you prepped for it like a pro)? Awesome! Now that you're exiting the office building of your (hopeful) future job, it's time for your next step.
Enter: the thank you note. The thank you note should be a no-brainer. It is a perfect way for a candidate to give herself the final edge over other candidates in the interview process.
Writing the thank you note does not have to be an exhaustive process. However, a candidate can (and should!) use it as an opportunity to edge out the other candidates.

Timing is Everything

Interviewing is an arduous process for any job candidate. In much the same way, it can be a stressful time for the hiring manager. My number one piece of advice in writing a thank you note for a job you really want?
Do it right away. Even if you killed the interview and expect a call saying “You’re hired!” by the end of the day, write the note. Express your gratitude and keep your candidacy fresh in the hiring manager’s mind. DO NOT wait until a week later when you haven’t heard anything to shoot off a “by the way, thanks” email.
A well-timed thank you note after an interview is a perfect way to reiterate your excitement to join the team. Aim to send your thank you note no within 24 hours of the end of the interview.

An Email Thank You Note Is A-OK

We know you still have that Laura Ashley stationery your grandma gave you for your high school graduation. We know it’s embossed with your initials.
However, 87 percent of hiring managers view email as a perfectly acceptable means of delivering your thank you note. Since we have already established that timing is everything, email is going to be your best bet.

Keep Your Thank You Note Brief

By this point in the interview process, your hiring manager has likely learned a ton about you. Do not use the thank you note to reiterate the play-by-play.
You can (and should) use it as a means to communicate one point you may have neglected to make, to expand on an idea or simply to express feelings of excitement for the job itself. Since the hiring manager is also busy interviewing, reading resumes, and communicating with other stakeholders, keep your note on point.

Edit Your Thank You Note

So far, we have focused heavily on the speed and brevity of this note. But that doesn't mean it’s informal! Make sure to use a formal greeting, write clear (and concise!) sentences, and sign off formally. This is not a one-liner to say “Thanks, Dude!”
Just as easily as a thank you note can impress a hiring manager, it can also detract from the whole process. A spelling error or flippant manner of writing can undo your progress. Write your thank you note, read it over a few times aloud, spell check it, and get a second pair of eyeballs on it if you can.
Crucial Tips Interview Thank You


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