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35 Game-Changing Perks Every Company Should Offer

What does the ideal company look like to you? Whether it's flexible work or unlimited access to kombucha, here are some game-changing perks some companies offer.

Work culture is a big deal—and so are employee benefits. 
Because it's important to feel respected at your company. Because it's important to feel valued. Because it's not a great-for-you job if you're working from a place of anxiety, dread, or frustration.
One of the top factors most likely to keep people at their company long-term is having strong workplace benefits including PTO, parental leave, and health insurance, according to LinkedIn. And 70 percent of professionals today wouldn't work at a leading company if it meant putting up with bad workplace culture.
But outside of benefits, there are these great things called perks! Let''s explore what exactly are employee perks.

Perks vs. Benefits: What's the Difference?

The benefits and perks provided to your team communicate a great deal about your company culture and the type of employee experience a company aims to foster. It is crucial for companies to think creatively and offer employee benefits and perks that align with their company's values. Here's an easy way to remember the difference:
  • Benefits are things you need
  • Perks are things you want
When determining how to invest in your employees, you should prioritize benefits initially. Benefits are typically the most essential and valuable to your employees and often require a significant financial commitment from the company. On the other hand, perks tend to be less expensive but can still have a substantial impact on employee engagement and company culture.
In many cases, employees expect certain benefits to be provided, such as healthcare or time off, while perks present an opportunity to differentiate your company by offering unique and enjoyable options. And let us be the first to tell you—the wide variety of perks is incredible and there isn't really a one-size-fits-all approach since we're all uniquely motivated.

35 Game-Changing Company Perks

We recently took the question of "company perks" to our Instagram—and some of your answers blew us away. We've rounded up a few of our favorite company perks that might make you consider quitting your job. 
Before we get into the fun perks, let's review the 6 most in-demand company benefits. These are the things you definitely want your employer to offer.

1. Health Insurance

If you live in the US, then you understand how valuable it is to have access to health insurance.
Even with health insurance, navigating the health system is a doozy. But here's the thing—none of us can do our best work, be the best version of ourselves, and operate at 100% without our health!
This includes physical health, emotional health, and mental health. 
Employer-supported health insurance usually means your employer pays for a portion of your plan or the whole thing. Plus, they will offer you specific health plans you can enroll in. If you don't get it via your employer, you either need to live in a country that offers it OR shop around for a health plan on your own.

2. Paid Time Off

Paid time off for sick days, vacation days, or days to do whatever you want is also essential to being the best worker. We all need time away from work to recharge—and being sick shouldn't be the only time we're off. 
It's not just about providing paid time off to your employees. Creating an environment where they feel truly comfortable taking those vacations is also important. Have you ever thought about how your current company culture views vacations? Do people feel proud about the time they spend traveling, or are they hesitant to request a day off? And even when they do manage to take a vacation, are they still tied to their emails, constantly checking and responding?
Here's the thing: It's crucial to make it a part of your company culture to encourage a complete disconnection during vacations. Your employees should feel empowered to unplug and recharge without lingering work-related concerns.
When they take time off, it's an opportunity for them to relax, rejuvenate, and return to work with renewed energy and creativity.
So, let's create an environment where vacations and PTO are encouraged and celebrated.

3. Paid Family Leave + Medical Leave

According to the Pew Research Center, only about 14 percent of workers in the United States have access to paid family leave. Pew Research also studied 41 countries—from Estonia to Korea—and the U.S. is the only country without mandated family leave.
To have to call maternity leave,  paternity leave, and overall family leave a "perk" is a huge insult to working parents across the country—but it's also so important. Knowing that you'll be financially supported in the case of a family emergency, sickness, or welcoming a new baby child to the world is paramount.
While the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) lets employees take unpaid leave for certain life events, your company can get ahead of the curve by offering paid parental leave.

4. 401(k) and Retirement Planning

One of the biggest perks (pun intended) of being an employee is having access to a 401(k). A 401(k) is an employer-supported retirement account; when they offer it, please use it! Elect a percentage of your salary to be taken directly from your paycheck and siphoned into your 401(k). Voilá!
A 401(k) is tax-deferred, which means you pay no income taxes upfront and no taxes on any gains you make investing (called capital gains taxes).
You will pay income taxes later when you take money from the account to spend in retirement. (There’s a penalty if you remove your money before age 59 1/2.)
Additionally, your employer may offer some match—always take advantage of this free moola! For example, if you put 6% of your salary into your 401(k) and your employer “matches” at 50%, they will add 3% to your 401(k).
The contribution limit in 2023 is $22,500, and this is an incredible benefit you'll be thankful for long after you stop working.

5. Life Insurance 

Life insurance is a valuable benefit that provides security for an employee's family during difficult times. When a family loses a source of income, it can lead to severe financial challenges.
However, life insurance serves as a protective measure for your employees' families in case of unfortunate events.

6. Disability Insurance

According to the U.S. Social Security Administration, 56 million Americans live with disabilities, and 38 million have severe disabilities.
More than 25 percent of workers with disability insurance will use it before the age of 65.
This is just one of the reasons why it's so important to have access to disability insurance. Employers can offer it in a few different ways, but it works similarly to any other insurance. You pick a plan, pay into it each month, and hope that you never need it!
Now let's get into the perks! If you'd rather skip ahead to any, here's the full list:

7. Flexible Work Options

Pre-COVID-19, we talked so much about the benefits of remote and flexible work—and how many organizations still resist it. Now that's less the case and it's only made the demand for flexible, remote, and hybrid work options more popular.
Flexible work is increasingly important for the entire workforce, with Millennials and Generation Z deeming it among the most important perks they look for in a job.
To put it bluntly, any company that's not embracing some sort of flexible option is not operating within the 21st century—and they will most certainly feel that when trying to hire new employees without offering flexibility. Here are some other helpful reads on this topic:

8. Student Loan Assistance

The burden of student loan debt has reached staggering levels, surpassing $1.7 trillion in the United States alone. It's highly likely that many employees are grappling with this financial challenge.
High monthly payments can significantly impact their ability to perform at their best due to stress or the need to work multiple jobs to manage their debt. Recognizing this, both public and private companies are increasingly offering student loan assistance as a valuable perk to alleviate some of the weight on their dedicated employees' shoulders.
It's important to understand that student loan assistance is a benefit highly sought after by employees, comparable in importance to 401(k) matching. By helping employees accelerate their student loan repayment, companies enable them to free up more funds to reinvest in their retirement savings

9. Home Office Budget

As remote work and flexible schedules become a more permanent arrangement, it's crucial to consider the needs of team members when it comes to their home office spaces.
Creating a workspace that caters to their requirements involves investing in high-quality furniture, a comfortable office chair, and all the necessary accessories that contribute to productivity.
However, building the perfect home office can be a significant expense for your team members. As an employer, you have the opportunity to support them by offering a home office budget as a valuable work perk.

Discounted Phone or Internet Plans

Some employers are also helping to support work-from-office setups by paying or reimbursing for a portion of their Internet and phone plans.

Ergonomic Desk + Chair

Let's not forget this alarming graphic that went viral, sharing what we will look like after working from our beds! Companies can help their employees have a smart set-up with an ergonomic desk (even a standing desk!), chair, and other office accessories!

10. Employee Recognition

Let's talk about the incredible impact that recognition has in the workplace. It's truly amazing how a simple thank-you or compliment can completely transform your day. Not only does it uplift your spirits, but it also has the power to make you genuinely happier. Now, that's a fantastic work perk!
This becomes even more significant for virtual teams and hybrid teams. In these setups, where team members may be physically separated, moments of gratitude and recognition play a crucial role in fostering a sense of closeness and connection among the team.
Moreover, offering a recognition program as a job perk has powerful business implications. One of the key reasons is that an employee who doesn't receive adequate recognition at work is twice as likely to consider leaving the organization within the next year.

11. Fertility Treatments

Insurance is expensive. Do you know what else is expensive? Fertility treatments. Some companies are putting serious money towards offering employees insurance that covers fertility treatments—some covering up to $50K in treatment.

12. Childcare + Daycare

To enhance the impact of the parental leave benefit, consider offering child care as an additional perk for working parents. Many companies go the extra mile by providing childcare stipends or establishing on-site daycare centers exclusively for their employees. 
By alleviating the stress and concerns associated with child care, working parents can direct their energy toward being fully engaged in their work. When they have reliable and accessible childcare solutions in place, it allows them to concentrate on their professional responsibilities with peace of mind. 

13. Extend Benefits to Domestic Partners

Here is another one of our favorites because not every long-term or lifelong relationship is "defined" by marriage. To that end, some companies benefit their employees and their domestic partners. 

14. Household Help When an Employee Travels

This was one of our favorite perks—especially when you consider that some jobs require a ton of travel.
Basically, when an employee is away from their family for travel, the company will provide help—from childcare assistance to reimbursement for a pizza dinner. 

15. Employee Discounts + Freebies

There's nothing quite like the allure of a great deal, except maybe free stuff.
Branded swag has the power to boost team pride, motivate employees, and generate buzz about your products or services when your team members are out and about. And when you combine it with discounts, you have a perk that can bring joy to just about anyone. When I worked at Hulu we got tons of great swag on our first day and a free Hulu subscription. I'll take it!

16. Career Development

Your employees have a strong desire to enhance their job performance and seek opportunities for advancement and career growth. However, concerns may arise about investing in employee training, fearing that they might leave with the newly acquired skills.
This situation typically occurs when training is provided without offering a clear path for upward mobility within the company. Offering training and formal programs like career mapping can be a winning combo. 
It's evident that professional development, coupled with the potential for increased income and added responsibilities, significantly impacts the employee experience.
Whether your company is large or small, there are various ways to offer valuable continuing education and training opportunities that make a real difference:
  • Provide access to a library of professional development books and resources.
  • Support attendance at conferences relevant to their field.
  • Cover professional organization dues.
  • Reimburse for online courses and certificate programs.
  • Launch an employee resource group with a real budget.
  • Invest in upskilling.
  • Create a formal mentorship program.
  • Create employee reviews, career mapping, and other tangible ways to work with employees on their next career moves.
By implementing these initiatives, you demonstrate a commitment to your employees' growth and development, fostering a positive work environment and boosting employee engagement. It's an investment that yields benefits for both individuals and the overall success of your company.

17. Flexible or Unlimited Time Off

Would you rather take a pay raise or receive more paid time off every year? It's a tough question because time off is crucial—especially for a lengthy career. We need time off to relax, replenish, and reconnect with ourselves.
Flexible time off is a huge perk, and the companies that offer plenty of it will attract the best candidates.

18. Dedicated Mental Health Days

We're not strangers to distinguishing between paid time off, vacation, and sick days. However, some organizations are also implementing dedicated mental health days. Not only does this give employees time off to gather themselves, but it also sends a company-wide message that mental health is as important as physical health. Bravo!

19. Dog-Friendly Workplace

To attract top talent and maintain the engagement of existing employees, many organizations are exploring ways to create a more dog-friendly office environment. This highly sought-after perk particularly appeals to employees who are devoted to their furry companions, and it has the potential to cultivate a strong sense of appreciation among the workforce.
Other pet-related benefits to consider offering employees include pet-related time off added to the paid time off policy, pet insurance, stipends, gift cards and in-office amenities, such as leashes.
In Seattle, Amazon's primary campus features a dedicated dog park exclusively for its 8,000 registered dogs. Sounds like a "paw-sitive" place to work!

20. Travel Stipends

Many companies offer "unlimited vacation," and there are statistics proving that employees are less likely to take this time.
To that end, some organizations offer the added bonus of travel stipends. One reader reported that their company offers every employee a yearly $500 travel stipend.
Imagine how many poolside margaritas $500 could get you...

21. Implement a "No Meeting" Day

Meetings are a part of nearly everyone’s work life: some of us have more than others, but we all have days when we feel it’s nearly impossible to get uninterrupted time to do work.
According to this survey, 67 percent of respondents agreed that spending too much time in meetings significantly distracts them from their work, with only 11 percent of employees claiming that all meetings were productive.
A possible solution is implementing a "no meeting" day. Asana, the project management company, has a policy of no meetings on Wednesdays, and Shopify was so bold to cancel all meetings at the beginning of the year.
One of the biggest perks that can be provided is give some of it back and consider the perk of no meetings one day a week.

22. Four-Day Workweek

Embrace the global trend of a four-day workweek, which is gaining traction across various industries.
This alternative work model offers employees the opportunity to work for four days instead of the traditional five. Companies adopt different approaches to implement this concept, such as reducing the workweek to 32 hours or having employees work 10 hours per day for four days, maintaining a total of 40 hours.
By transitioning to a four-day workweek, you can provide your employees with enhanced work-life balance and increased flexibility. This arrangement allows them to enjoy longer weekends, dedicate time to personal pursuits, and recharge their energy levels.
Moreover, studies have shown that a shorter workweek can lead to improved employee productivity, engagement, and overall job satisfaction.

23. Charitable Donation Matching or Employee Giving Programs

A recent employee engagement study revealed that 58 percent of employees consider a company's social and environmental commitments when making employment decisions. Surprisingly, 55 percet of employees would choose to work for a socially responsible company even if it means accepting a lower salary.
These findings emphasize that social and environmental programs are not only a determining factor for top talent when choosing between job offers but also have the potential to contribute positively to a company's return on investment.
An employee giving program empowers employees to support their community and causes they care about through a variety of methods, including:
  • Payroll deduction giving
  • Volunteering
  • Fundraising/Crowdfunding
  • In-kind giving
  • Drives
  • Matching gifts

24. Lunch Stipend (Or Fully Stocked Fridge)

Here's a perk that receives unanimous love! Free food!
Numerous companies recognize the value of providing lunch for their employees, and the best part is that it's often tax-deductible for employers! Introduce a team lunch once a week or a lunch stipend for every employee if they work remotely.
Investing in providing lunch, whether through catered meals, stipends, or other creative solutions, creates opportunities for team members to bond, share ideas, and strengthen their relationships.
It promotes a sense of camaraderie, even in remote work environments. So, let's make the most of this simple yet impactful perk and enjoy the benefits it brings to our teams.

25. Employee Assistance Program

An employee assistance program (EAP) is designed to provide employees with access to short-term counseling, mental health assessments, and connections to external services to address any mental or emotional concerns they may have.
EAP counselors collaborate with organizations to enhance the mental well-being of their workforce. Additionally, during periods of distress or upheaval, EAPs play a vital role in assisting employees and managers in resolving such issues.

26. Health + Wellness Programs

Employers recognize workplace wellness programs' growing popularity as a valuable benefit.
These programs vary in scope, with some focusing on straightforward activities like health screenings or healthy snacks, while others encompass comprehensive initiatives that aim to transform workplace culture and promote healthier behaviors like subsidizing gym memberships, providing standing desks, and more.
Each company has its distinct goals and challenges, and a wide array of programs are available for employers to select from based on their specific needs. To ensure the effectiveness of your employee wellness program, it's crucial to embrace inclusivity and consider the diverse spectrum of healthy lifestyles.
Each employee has unique health and wellness needs; the wellness programs should reflect this variety. 

Cash for physical health

One employee shared that their company gifts cash to employees who put their health first. Specifically, they give $300 to employees who get their annual physicals.

27. Stock, Stock Options + Equity

Just like performance bonuses, stock options and equity grants provide employees with a tangible stake in the success of the company. This fosters a genuine sense of ownership and strengthens the emotional connection between employees and their work.
Such a connection is crucial in cultivating an engaged and dedicated workforce.

28. Gym Membership

We all sit wayyyyy too much, so this next perk is in extra high demand.  
According to a CareerBuilder survey, 22 percent of employees consider on-site fitness centers as their most desired office perk.
Prolonged periods of sitting at work contribute to an increased risk of cardiovascular issues, cancer, and chronic conditions like Type 2 diabetes.
As an employer, these sedentary demands on your workforce result in higher healthcare costs and reduced productivity. Fortunately, many companies have taken steps to combat this trend by offering access to gyms and workout memberships.
Some companies might offer a specific on-site gym and others might reimburse monthly fitness classes so the employee can pick what works best for them.

29. Commuter Assistance

The average American commute time to and from work is 55 minutes. Given that Americans spend an average of 27.6 minutes traveling one way, that means it takes nearly an hour for them to commute both ways each day.
Just imagine all the things you could have achieved with that saved time!
Companies have a range of options to support employee commuting, including subsidizing rideshares, providing public transportation passes, or even arranging shuttle buses. When all factors are considered equal, employees tend to prefer job opportunities with shorter commutes. Sometimes, employees may even be willing to trade financial compensation for reduced travel time.
Commuter assistance programs play a significant role in enhancing employees' quality of life. This perk substantially impacts both attracting and retaining top talent. By offering support for commuting, you not only improve employee satisfaction but also demonstrate your commitment to their well-being and work-life balance.

30. Performance Bonus

Monetary incentives can be valuable perks if approached strategically. The key lies in connecting these monetary rewards to the emotions that drive employee engagement.
Performance bonuses serve as an excellent example of achieving this connection. By linking the reward directly to individual or team achievements, performance bonuses instill a sense of ownership and control within employees.
These bonuses serve as powerful motivators, inspiring employees to excel in their work and providing them with a tangible stake in their roles. When employees know that their efforts and accomplishments directly contribute to their eligibility for a performance bonus, it creates a sense of earned and deserved recognition.

Referral Bonus

Demonstrate your confidence in your employees' discernment by implementing a referral bonus program that rewards internal recommendations leading to successful hires. This initiative showcases the value you place on their insights and recommendations within the hiring process.
The structure of referral bonuses can vary among companies; some offer bonuses upon the new employee signing their offer letter, while others disburse the bonus once the employee has completed a specific tenure at the company. Regardless of the approach, the referral bonus serves as an incentive that encourages employees to actively refer qualified candidates from their network.
By fostering a culture of internal referrals, you enhance employee engagement and involvement in the hiring process and attract top talent who are more likely to thrive within your organization.

31. Dedication to Inclusion + Community Building

Some companies like to use their marketing website to send outward-facing messages about "diversity" and "inclusion". If we have learned anything over the past few years, it's that many organizations do little more than digital lip service when it comes to standing up for change. That's why we were thrilled to receive several reports of companies with a true dedication to justice, inclusivity, and community.
A great resource to keep track of organizations really dedicated to economic opportunities for Black people, we'd suggest following @pullupforchange on Instagram. 

Recognition of Juneteenth as a holiday

Juneteenth (June 19th) is a holiday celebrating the emancipation of all enslaved in The United States. Many companies recognize Juneteenth as a paid holiday.
Learn more about why Juneteenth is so important

Election Day holiday 

Why isn't election day a holiday? We ask that question—a lot—because it would allow so many people the opportunity to actually vote. Some companies do observe election day as a holiday, which shows their dedication to their employees' right to vote. 

"Justice" days off + volunteer days 

One reader reported that their company offers dedicated "justice days" so that employees can fight for causes they believe in. The same goes for volunteering. Some companies offer their employees paid days in which to volunteer for organizations that are important to them.

32. Tuition Reimbursement

Numerous companies include tuition reimbursement as a valuable component of their benefits package. Here's a general overview of how it usually operates: employees cover the upfront costs of college, graduate, or continuing education courses. Once the class or semester concludes, the employer will reimburse a portion or even the entire amount of money spent by the employee.
Similar to other benefits, offering relevant coursework can play a pivotal role in attracting and retaining top-tier employees. By providing opportunities for employees to enhance their skills and knowledge through targeted educational programs, companies can empower their workforce and strengthen the organization's overall capabilities.

33. Flex Spending Accounts (FSA) or Health Savings Accounts (HSA)

In addition to providing comprehensive benefits, it's important to recognize that traditional health insurance coverage may sometimes fall short. To address this gap, consider offering your employees tax-free options for covering medical expenses, such as health savings accounts (HSAs) and flexible spending accounts (FSAs).
While HSAs and FSAs may sound similar, they operate in distinct ways. HSAs are established by employees themselves, whereas employers set up FSAs. You have the flexibility to offer FSAs alongside a health insurance plan or as a standalone health benefit. Not only is administering an FSA cost-effective, but you also enjoy the advantage of not paying payroll tax on employee contributions. Since these contributions are deducted from pre-tax dollars, implementing an FSA can potentially save employers money.
By exploring the possibilities of HSAs and FSAs, you provide your employees with valuable tools to manage their medical expenses more efficiently. These tax-advantaged accounts offer flexibility and convenience, ultimately contributing to your workforce's comprehensive and well-rounded benefits package.

34. Sabbaticals

Show your appreciation for long-term employees by offering them extended paid time off as a special reward for their dedication.
Consider implementing a sabbatical program that grants employees one to six months of uninterrupted paid leave, allowing them to pursue their interests, prioritize their health, embark on travel adventures, or indulge in other passions close to their hearts.
This thoughtful gesture not only recognizes their loyalty but also provides them with valuable opportunities for personal growth and rejuvenation.

35. Educational Workshops, Career Coaching, + Guest Speakers

Invest in special workshops taught by thought leaders on the topics that matter.
These topics include mental health, financial literacy, confidence, career advancement, and more. Even having an expert come in and conduct a personality test or strengths assessment would provide insight into how people who the way they do, etc. 
Additionally, investing in leadership training, career coaching, or executive training will pay off with stronger leadership, but it's the perk that can help with talent retention. 



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