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5 Opening Lines That Will Make Your Cover Letter Stand Out

It's all about that first impression—especially when it comes to your cover letter. Use these opening lines on your next cover letter to get the attention of any hiring manager.

This article originally appeared on Mogul Millennial. It is republished with permission.
If you’re still using “I am writing this letter because I am interested in your position,” or any overused, basic cover letter opening line, stop what you are doing.
Spend your next 2 minutes reading how you can make your cover letter stand out and excite the recruiter. Here are five ideas to get a hiring manager's attention from the first line of your cover letter

1. Show Excitement

When I interview candidates, the people that stand out the most are the people that smile genuinely, have an engaging attitude, and seem excited to interview. This holds the same truth for cover letters. Hiring managers and recruiters don’t want to read the same old, tired line that everyone uses to start off their cover letter. It makes those candidates appear to be not excited about the job, and in return, it’ll make them feel less excited about you too. When an employer feels your excitement through your cover letter, it adds more value to your application.
Example to try: I was excited to find an opening in marketing with Company X because your impact in this field has been inspiring to me for a long time. 

2. It’s Not What You Know, It’s Who you Know

I know we have all heard of this phrase, but it has proven to be true during most times. If you are applying for a company and you know a key employee there, don’t be afraid to mention it! Of course before using their name, ask that person for permission. If they are okay with you using their name in your cover letter, do not hesitate to do it.
Example to try: I recently spoke with Jane Doe, project manager with Company Y, and she informed me about the opening on your HR team. She recommended that you would be a great point of contact to discuss this position and my qualifications.

3. Get Straight To The Point

I have read many boring cover letters where the candidate will write a long paragraph about how they found the job opening, the college they graduated from, and other information about their past that is not relevant. Recruiters receive tons of applications daily, so my advice would be to get straight to the point in your cover letter stating your job title and accomplishments. Here are more short cover letter ideas.
Example to try: As a marketing manager for Company Y, I manage a diverse team and oversee multiple projects. By implementing new employee engagement ideas and social marketing tactics, I have been able to increase our brand and social presence through the use of employee posting on social media.

4. Read Beyond The Job Description

When you find a company that you like and want to interview with, do research on the company (beyond the job description), and impress the recruiter with what you know. Look for current events or blog posts about the company, and tie that into your opening line.
Example to try: Recently, your company was highlighted in Mogul Millennial for implementing a new employee engagement tool on Idea X. After reading this article, I was inspired to work with your company, so I was excited to see that you had an opening for a Talent Engagement Advisor. With my professional experience in leading and developing teams, and retaining talent, I know that I am a valuable candidate.

5. Keywords Are Hella Important Too

Most companies use applicant tracking systems that search for keywords on resumes and cover letters to weed out candidates that are more than likely unqualified. Using the right keywords will get you noticed, and will get you the interview. [P.S. at Career Contessa we have a free worksheet that can help you identify your skills to include on your LinkedIn profile—and beyond, like your cover letter.]
Example to try: Microsoft Excel and ADP Virtual Edge are two of my strongest areas of expertise. Through my years in management and HR, I have perfected my skills and increased my knowledge in social recruiting, employee development, collaborative interviewing, and handling employee relation issues. It is the combination of these skills and my passion for the field of HR that makes me the best candidate for your Campus Recruiter position.
If you use any of these examples, be sure to tailor it to the company that you are applying for and the skills that you personally possess. A personalized cover letter will win anytime over a generic one.
This article originally appeared on Mogul Millennial. It is republished with permission.


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