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Career Success
6 Foolproof Types of Goals to Set + Achieve
We all want to set and achieve goals, but how? We're looking at all types of goals and how they work together to give you clarity around all of your lifelong goals.

Career Success
Are You Climbing the Career Ladder or Dangling in a Career Jungle Gym
You've heard of the career ladder, but what about the career jungle gym, the career river, and other zigzaggy career routes you can take? Let's explore every type of career journey.

Work + Life Balance
My Mom Quit Her Career to Raise Me—And Re-Entered the Workforce 13 Years Later
And in this interview, I asked her all about it.

Job Search
How to Describe a Challenge at Work and How You Overcame It
The next time an interviewer asks you to describe a challenge or conflict you overcame, be prepared with a stellar answer.

Job Search
Why I Left: Good Reasons for Leaving Your Last Job
Why did you leave your last job? Here's how to politely explain why you quit your last job in an interview setting.

Career Fit
What Are Soft Skills? The 12 Essential Soft Skills
Soft skills are crucial to the modern work environment. Soft skills are the interpersonal attributes you need to succeed in the workplace. They are how you work with and relate to those around you.

Career Success
The Green-Eyed Monster: How to Stop Being Jealous at Work
Jealousy is not a good look, especially in the workplace. Here's how to focus on your own work, your goals, and your success—and how to do away with envy and jealousy.

Job Search
How Do You Define Success? Interview Question, Answered
How you define success can show the interviewers what you value. Follow these steps to prepare your answer + review these example answers.

Work + Life Balance
Is It Important to Be Likeable? How to Avoid Likeability Traps at Work
Is being liked at work really that important? Here's why we think the answer might be "not really."

Job Search
Copy + Paste—All of Our Favorite Templates
Here are all of our templates for your job search, your career advancement, and your professional networking. All in one place. Bookmark this page and get ready to copy + paste.

Career Success
12 Podcasts That Will Make You A Smarter Human
The following podcasts are designed to inspire, enlighten, and provide the clarity that every career needs. Ready to tune in?
Career Advice On The Go
Listen and Learn Now

3 in 30: How to Find Career Clarity

How to Have Difficult Conversations Without Burning Bridges

Managing Up: How to Get What You Need from the People in Charge
Education to Empower Your Future

Career Fit, Job Search
The 24-Hour Resume Makeover
An online course with resume templates and step-by-step directions for creating an optimized resume in less than 24 hours.

Career Success, Job Search
ChatGPT Cheat Sheet
A PDF with 50+ prompts to help you job search, network + advance at work with the help of ChatGPT.

Career Fit, Career Success, Job Search, Work + Life Balance
The Confidence Crunch
In this online course, strengthen your confidence muscle in 21 days.

Career Success
The Successful Networker
An online course on how to hone your networking skills for long-term success.

Career Success
The New Manager Manual
In this online course, take ownership over your first 90 days as a manager—and build a strong foundation to help you lead a successful and engaged team.

Asking For a Raise 101
An online course on how to ask for a raise and actually get it.