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Episode 18: 5 Things to STOP Doing With Your Money with Michela Allocca

Kelly Will

Head of People, Talent Acquisition, She Will Build
81 Reviews
Salary + Compensation, Networking, Cultivating Confidence, Job Search Strategies, Interview Questions, Resumes, LinkedIn Optimization, Leadership + Management, Career Transitions, Public Speaking + Presentations
Mentor Image - Kelly Will

About Me

Hi, I’m Kelly! Scroll down and check out my reviews to see if I might be a fit for you. I work with coaching clients in startups, at global giants, and seeking roles at all companies in between. I do have expertise across Microsoft, Google, Meta, Disney, and Apple, though my client work spans far, far beyond them. We work together to strategically set you up for meaningful, respected, highly paid work and focus on expanding the best opportunities for you. Some clients work with me in a series of sessions and some clients work with me in a single session. Here are some examples of work we can do: 1. Resume + LinkedIn: I will go line-by-line through your resume with you if you need it. Line-by-line to edit and draw out exactly who you are at work and what skills to highlight to get the job. We'll tackle LinkedIn approaches and transform your public profile, too. 2. Job Seeking Strategy, Networking, and Notes: It can be tough to narrow in on right fit roles and make sure companies see you. Applications and crafting sharp introduction and personal notes are important, too. I train you on an easier, targeted job seeking and LinkedIn networking strategy, built for your goals. 3. Interview Prep: Feel at ease in interviews through great preparation you can reuse and deploy for every conversation. And never forget - STAR stories - they still work, used wisely. 4. Promotions + Negotiations + Maternity/Paternity Leave: Develop exact talking points to drive your value with your boss and team, and through interviews, to negotiate and ask for the salary, bonus, help, promotion, or parental leave benefits you deserve. 5. Executive Coaching: If you want to grow as a leader, business owner, or survive a tough situation, you will learn to expand communication and impact as a manager, influence decisions as a thought leader, manage up and down through challenging relationships, or establish new businesses. I will leave you with a functional toolkit and plan to help you meet your goals at the end of your session.

Get to Know Me

Current Position
Head of People, Talent Acquisition, She Will Build
Previous Positions
Director, Talent Acquisition, LabCo NYC March 2017 - February 2019
Director of Talent Acquisition, SAM Companies March 2017 - February 2019
Director of Talent Acquisition, Iced Media August 2014 - October 2017
Bachelor's Degree, Education | Indiana University

You have superskills at work. Making sure you see them & know how to share them is my job.


Kelly helped me develop more confidence in my professional presence. She helped me describe my experience on my resume, ensuring that it authentically reflected my achievements and, importantly, that I wasn't selling myself short. I really valued her insight on what I should expect in compensation. It was really the first time I had ever engaged in a conversation that honestly explored my value in the market.

P H. , 40
Mar. 23, 2024

My only regret about my session with Kelly is that I didn't book it sooner! It was more helpful and productive than I ever expected and exactly what I needed to kickstart my job search. Kelly gets right to work to identify the need and begin working on the solution. Her proactive approach and insightful questions allowed her to quickly grasp the nuances of my experience and begin to help me tailor my resume and LinkedIn profile with precision. With her guidance, I now feel empowered to present myself in the best possible light to potential employers. Kelly's expertise in navigating the current job market is evident and her dedication to her client's success seems genuine. I highly recommend her to anyone looking to elevate their professional profile and stand out in today's competitive job market. Thank you, Kelly, for your invaluable assistance!

Andrea C. , 59
Feb. 23, 2024

Kelly instantly understood what I was looking for and presented a framework to accomplish my job-seeking goals. In subsequent sessions, Kelly took my words and transformed them into industry-ready presentations for my resume and LinkedIn. I am confident that by applying her framework I will find my next role sooner than later.

Anonymous, 0
Feb. 07, 2024

Not a minute is wasted in a session with Kelly. She is organized, efficient, and very knowledgeable in her content area. Working with her gave me such a sense of relief as she listened to my goals and helped me to create an actionable, attainable plan to get me where I need to be.

Mallory E. , 30
Feb. 06, 2024

Worth every penny! Kelly's experience and attitude (even while sick!) are exactly what I need to turn my questions/thoughts about my next career steps into actionable items to stay on track and prioritize my main goal. Thank you!

Selena K. , 37
Jan. 26, 2024

I'm in the marketing field. Communication is my thing. Daughter and sister of top-notch journalists and editors. I've rewritten a lot of resumes for people over the years. I have worked for blue chip companies and smaller ones and have an MBA from a top 5 school. I'm good at meeting people and finding opportunities through my network - have never lost a job or had trouble finding the next one, really. But when I exited my last role, I knew I needed to approach things differently, because of the market, my age, the new possibilities and complexities of remote / hybrid, worries about the currency of my skillset, etc. I had someone in mind to coach me who'd been a periodic, unofficial and unpaid advisor to me for years. Super wise, local, a total booster of mine. But he coaches public company CEOs and I don't have that kind of budget. And his approach isn't really modern-world-attuned. So I chose Kelly and she has been amazing. She sees my background from a recruiting/talent lens so what she brings is more than good writing/marketing skills (both of which I have). She brings the perspective of a talent acquisition person, and someone who guides people through this process all day, every day. She is really on point every time we talk. Not looking to waste my time or hers. No bullshit -- she'll tell me if I'm overthinking something or imposter-syndroming myself out of an opportunity, and I love her structured approach to searches. What to do, where, how often, step by step. It's really helpful to have a super smart plan to follow - I never doubt I'm spending my time in the right way, and it's made this process feel - so far - like an adventure rather than drudgery or depressing. It's also way less lonely having Kelly 'in it' with me. I'm a hard worker so I don't really need an accountability partner but she is that and so much more. Also love how she is super aware of how women can undersell themselves in the search process and end up undercompensated and has very clear guidance on this. If I can land more quickly in a role that's right for me, this 100% pays for itself. No-brainer.

Heidi W. , 51
Jan. 18, 2024