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Iowa Nice—How This Young Millennial Pursues Real Work-Life Balance

We've become pretty familiar with the narrative around millennials being narcissistic consumers of avocado toasts. We spoke to Karsen Miller, a millennial and native Iowan who took an approach to her life and career that puts every stereotype to rest—once and for all.

This post is sponsored by the Iowa Economic Development Authority. Find out why Iowa is the #1 state to find a job right now. 
We talk—a lot—about cultivating a work-life balance. 
But, when it comes down to it, many of us fall prey to the allure of a big city, a large salary, a well-known company name—and all the pressure that comes with it. 
That’s why we spoke with Karsen Miller, a Corporate Communication Specialist at Vermeer, about forgoing all the “shoulds” we’re culturally fed and forging her own path—one that places her own values at the forefront of her career, for real.
For Karsen Miller, letting her values act as the engine of her career has had huge payoffs. Let’s dive in. 

The Millennial Misconception 

To begin our conversation, we asked Karsen, a Millennial by definition, about the biggest misconception Generation Y faces. Miller explains, 
“The biggest misconception about millennials is that we are selfish and lazy. When you reflect on our generation, you'll be surprised to find that millennials are hardworking, young professionals who strive to take care of and support those they love. I've never met a millennial who even fits the stereotype of the phone-scrolling narcissists that other generations depict us as.”
Just like any broad generalization, it’s dangerous to make assumptions about a large group. They’re not going to be true in many circumstances. 
The misconception that every Millennial is a narcissist has far-reaching effects. Because Millennials are such narcissists, they only care about themselves. They’re obsessed with showcasing a glamorous lifestyle to display on Instagram. In short, Millennials care about looking good, appearing successful and—oh yeah, avocado toast. 

My Unexpected Post-Collegiate Journey 

Like many recent graduates, Miller had her sights set on moving to a new place to set her own path. As an Iowa native who attended undergraduate school at University of Iowa, she had her eyes set on relocation. Miller explains, 
“In my senior year of college, I was looking specifically at marketing agency jobs in Colorado. I'd traveled to Colorado on vacation and thought that I wanted to live there. I didn't know anyone there or have any connections. I just thought it was the thing to do after graduation—get a job in some far-off city and uproot your life. 
So, I started applying to agencies online in Colorado. I had a couple of phone screens but they all said the same thing— that they weren't willing to invest their time in you unless you already had a Colorado address. With student loans looming overhead, I knew I could not risk moving across the country without a job lined up. Moving to Colorado, pursuing the agency life—it felt forced. It wasn't my path.” 

How I Found Work-Life Balance in Iowa

Instead of hightailing it to Colorado without a job, Miller felt the pull to stay in Iowa—and it really paid off. 
“Growing up in Iowa, you hear the term "Iowa nice" thrown around a lot. Yes, we are nice. But Iowa nice is more than just being friendly—it's valuing physical and emotional well-being above all else. 
Family emergencies, sick pets, doctor's appointments and more all come before work. You are never asked to sacrifice what matters to you most for your job and putting these things before work never means ruining a successful career.”
As she stayed in Iowa, Miller was also constantly reminded of why her decision was a good one. Besides her own work-life balance and happiness, she explains that many of her Millennial acquaintances were not experiencing the same. 
“The biggest difference is the values of the people who live there. I have friends who moved to the coasts and they've all reported back with the same—the people there value their work before anything else. Your coworkers are viewed as threats to your career success instead of peers or friends.
At Vermeer, my team will put everything on the line to support me and I would do the same in a heartbeat. We lift each other up. I have yet to hear that from my friends on the coasts. In fact, some are even moving back to the Midwest for this very reason. Not that they haven't found success, but that they haven't found people who care.”

How My Career Empowers My Happiness (And Success) 

We also spoke to Miller about her actual work-life balance and what makes it so great? Her answers had us contemplating our own move to Iowa. Miller elaborates, 
“I am so grateful for my career at Vermeer Corporation in Pella, Iowa. Never in a million years would I have looked for marketing and communications work at a manufacturing company in small-town Iowa. What I've learned is that you can find any work you're passionate about in manufacturing—whether that's marketing, social media management or even graphic design.  
At Vermeer, our people are at the forefront of everything we do. 
  • We have an onsite clinic and pharmacy—need to grab your prescription? It's just a two-minute walk away on campus. 
  • Every team member has eight hours of volunteer time-off (VTO) to use for a cause that matters to them. 
  • My team uses our VTO together each year to throw a Christmas party at a retirement home—it not only makes on the impact on the people living there, but it's also a great way for us to connect as a team
Ultimately, I get to show up at work every day and give my all to a company that supports me in every facet of my life.  
Living in Pella has been one of the best decisions I've ever made! It's not your average small town—we're next to the largest lake in the state of Iowa, Lake Red Rock. In fact, it's just a 10-minute drive from my house. On warm summer days, I like to unwind after work by watching the sunset over the water from the sandstone cliffs. Our downtown is also beautiful and has some great businesses. If I want to get away from the office, I'll work from a cozy café downtown, cappuccino in hand.  
The best part about my days in Iowa? No two are alike! I have laid-back days where my team and I sneak out early for an afternoon happy hour at the local cocktail bar. Other days, we're in at 5 a.m. to coordinate all team member meetings. There is always something new, exciting and challenging around the corner and it never gets old. 
My favorite part about my job, besides the people themselves, is telling their stories. I get to meet so many unique people—from a welding instructor on our production floor or a corporate accounts manager. Each person I've met at Vermeer has been incredibly kind and has a unique and interesting story to share.”

A Millennial With (Gasp!) A Home 

One statistic about Millennials that is true, according to the U.S. Census, is that only about 1 in 3 Millennials are homeowners. This is eight percent lower than baby boomers of the same age. Part of that reason (besides student debt, of course) is the draw of the big city. According to Pew Research from 2018, 88% of millennials live in metropolitan areas. This is another conundrum Miller avoided by building her post-college life in Iowa. 
Iowa is also extremely affordable—even with my student loans, I've been able to save up enough money to buy my own house at the age of 24. Sure, times can be hard, but my career combined with an unbeatable cost of living make life in Iowa carefree and affordable.”

My Advice to Women Seeking Real Work-Life Balance

“My advice is to seek out what matters to you most—a company with values that align with your own—filled with people who will invest their time and energy into helping you grow.
When you're first starting out, it can be tempting to get your foot in the door at any company that will give you the time of day. However, it's important to be selective. Your first career may not be your last, but never jump into a career or lifestyle that doesn't feel right to you. 
There are amazing companies out there who will value you and support you in your career. And those companies might just be in the rolling country landscape of Iowa.   
This post is sponsored by the Iowa Economic Development Authority. Find out why Iowa is the #1 state to find a job right now. 


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