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The Ultimate Gift Guide for Your Eco-Conscious Friend

We all have a friend or coworker who is always involved in causes, who brings her lunch in mason jars, and who volunteers every weekend. Here's what to buy that eco-friendly, socially-conscious friend this holiday season.

We all have that one friend who is a great friend to Mother Earth and to all of its inhabitants. 
They are constantly up-to-date on the latest goings-on with environmental policies, social upheaval, and politics (for better or for worse.) This same friend might seem a little more difficult to shop for—whether it’s because she tells you, “I don’t need anything.” Or because she sources everything as ethically as possible. 
We’re here for you. When buying a gift for your eco-friendly and socially-conscious friend, you need to put a little extra work in—but be assured that this effort will be recognized and appreciated.
Before you dive in, check out all of our gift guides:
*If you buy something through our links, Career Contessa may earn an affiliate commission.

For the Natural Health + Beauty Enthusiast 

Your eco-friendly friend is about more than just patchouli and palo santo. They're passionate about natural, whole ingredients—you know, the ones you can actually pronounce. Here are the best healthy + gifts for your eco-friendly giftee

Natural Oils from Wildcare

Wildcare was founded by the self-taught distiller, Cortney Herrera. Herrera creates effective, holistic skincare based on the plant life in her lush landscape of PNW. Gift your environment-obsessed friend Wildcare’s Golden Hour Body Oil so they can illuminate their hair and skin. 

Organic Lathers from Mater Soap 

Mater Soap is made to enhance your ritual of bathing with their natural and organic line of products. Handmade in NYC, Mater creates both solid and liquid soaps out of natural plants, oils, and butter. 
Gift your favorite eco-friendly loved one a geranium bar or a bottle of Holy Soap (bottled in 100 percent post-consumer recycled plastic. An added bonus? Any art history buffs will enjoy the familiar spokesperson of Mater Soap, The Venus of Willendorf. Lather up!

For the Big-Time Reducer, Reuser, and Recycler  

Do you ever take a look at all the plastic waste in your trash bin a shudder? Not to be a bummer, but the holidays are a big trash-maker. Your eco-friendly friend is all about reducing waste wherever—and whenever—they can. 
Delight your favorite eco-friendly friend with a little kit comprised of planet-friendly reusable gifts to improve their daily life—without taking a toll on landfills. While you’re at it, isn’t it time you invested in a reusable straw for yourself? 

Gifts for Their Home + Sustainable Life 

Don't get it twisted. Even the most eco-friendly inhabitant of this planet probably loves a good gift. Here are a few sustainable delights to brighten up their room, their home office, or their day-to-day

Natural Textiles 

Behind the Hill is a modern textile company whose main designer is Mother Nature herself. Their blankets, pillows, throws, and rugs are made from organic cotton by skilled artisans who source the raw materials in their local area.
Behind the Hill's products are inspired by the rural communities they honor and reflect the earthy tones from which they have evolved.
All products are ethically made by hand, using ancestral techniques—and are 100 percent eco-friendly.


We probably put some sort of plants on our gift guides every year because plants increase happiness. Seriously, they do. These beautiful wooden planters from Minimum Design Planters are 3-D printed from a vegetal and eco-friendly material comprised of recycled wood and bioplastic made from corn. Its composition makes the planter a sustainable product  Take a look at this set of 4 indoor planters

Books About Sustainability

If your loved one is obsessed with sustainability Vitamin Green provides an up-to-the-minute look at the single most important topic in contemporary design: sustainability. This book profiles the very best in modern sustainable design—everything from motorcycles to sweeping landscapes.  
Other books about sustainability include: 

Gifts that Aren't Physical (But SO Important) 

Chances are, your very socially-conscious friend has told you a thing or two about causes they care about. In this case, a great gift is donating in their name to a special cause.
Whether it’s a charity focused on research around a certain illness or in improving adulthood literacy, consider making a donation in your friend's name (and maybe one in your own) to really make a difference this holiday season. 

A Natural, Experience-Based Gift 

Sometimes, gifts don’t come in any wrapping paper or packaging. Consider gifting this friend an experience—and get creative with it. The gift can be volunteering to participate in a beach clean-up together. It can also be a gift certificate to their favorite meditation, yoga studio, or digital class. Give an experience gift—preferably one that allows your friend to connect with the outdoors or with themselves during this hectic season. We're big fans of Getaway.
Happy gifting!
*We want to let you know that some of these links are affiliate links. That means when you purchase some of the items we listed, Career Contessa could earn a small commission at no cost to you. We only recommend items we know and love. Thank you for supporting the brands that help support Career Contessa.


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