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The Best Audiobooks to Motivate + Inspire More Reading

A great way to "read" more books? Listen to more books. Take your books on the road, for a walk, or even for a brisk run. Here are a few of our favorite audiobooks.

Let's get one thing straight. Listening to audiobooks is not cheating. 
If we're being honest, then yes, we also used to think it was cheating. Yes, we love curling up in the coziest corner of our room reading a paper book in our coziest socks. We love dogearing the pages that contain lines that motivate and inspire us to no end. We love paper books, but that doesn't mean we can't love audiobooks, too. 
Audiobooks allow you to "pull a Belle"—aka read a book while walking through a French village while the entire town inexplicably sings about how weird and beautiful you are. Audiobooks allow you to turn your commute, long road trips, and walks around the block into learning experiences. Audiobooks allow you to share your favorite book in real-time. 

Audiobooks for the Skeptics 

Okay, if you're not convinced that audiobooks are the same, we still think you should try it out. There have been many evenings where I have planned a quick walk—only to return home 2.5 hours later, sweaty and exuberant because I couldn't "put it down".
Audiobooks are also great for a long drive, especially a boring one. I have listened to the entire book while driving for hours on I-5 between Los Angles and the Bay Area. It is the most boring drive ever—until you're listening to the audio version of a book like The Pisces. 
Just like reading a book, audiobooks take you away from where you are—to the ocean, to New York, into a fantastical wardrobe, or right beside Sherlock Holmes.  

Where to Find Free Audiobooks

If you're skeptical, here are a few resources to try out free audiobooks. Perhaps start out by re-reading your favorite book ever by listening.

Your Local Library

Many libraries offer access to a giant catalog of audiobooks with your library card which is absolutely magical! 

Amazon's Audible

While, technically, this is a paid service, you can get 30 days for free, which will include one free credit for any book and access to all of Audible's free content. There is a ton of free content. 


Yes, your favorite platform to listen to music or podcasts also hosts a good number of free audiobooks. These mainly consist of books that are public domain, including Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations and Jane Austen’s Persuasion.


recordings are all made by volunteers, so audio quality can vary as these are not professional readers. You can also access many of these audiobooks on their YouTube channel
Still skeptical? We get it.
That's why we put together this list of audiobooks that blew the team at Career Contessa away. This list includes a variety from Stacey Abrams to Jessica Simpson. Yep, that's right. 
Aside from the art that is an actual book, there's another level when it comes to master narrators—whether or not they are the original authors. Some narrators are absolute masters of their craft. Take Jim Dale, who created 134 voices for series that shall (unfortunately) not be named. There's also the impressive full cast of George Saunders; Lincoln in the Bardo, which reads more like a billboard than an audiobook credit.

For Weary Parents: Breeze Through Summer Reading With Your Child 

On your kid's last day of school, they will likely hand you a piece of paper with a list of books they probably don't need to read. You'll file that piece of paper away until about 5 days before school starts. 
However, what if you enjoyed some of the classics with your child this summer? Queue up summer reading classics from Mark Twain, Roald Dahl, and Lois Lowry while you drive in the car, watch a thunderstorm, or complete some household chores. 
Audiobooks are a great way to bond with your child—and actually have important conversations about classism, racism, sexism, empathy, and more. 
Some classic summer reading audiobooks include:
  • The Great Gatsby by F.Scott Fitzgerald
  • Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery 
  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl
  • Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis 
  • Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
  • The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
  • Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel García Márquez
You can also make your own reading list to bond with your teens. Okay, we can hear you laughing, but books like Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens or The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson will have you more engaged than a Netflix binge
Here are our favorite audiobooks we think you can start your listening journey by "reading" while you do pretty much anything. 
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Narrated by Stacey Abrams
Our whole team read this book recently—and it's wildly inspiring (and completely intimidating) to hear Abrams narrate her exact steps to get where she is today. We can't wait to read every one of her books as she continues to navigate her work. 
Narrated by Cathleen McCarron 
From Caileen: This was the audiobook that changed everything for me. First of all, the book itself is hilarious, but McCarron's narration—along with her many accents—is the chef's kiss. 
Narrated by Malcolm Gladwell
From Aliya: The audiobook version of Talking to Strangers actually reads like one long produced podcast episode filled with different audio clips + music. 
Narrated by Ta-Nehisi Coates
It can be distracting, at times, to hear an author reading their own work. However, the narration of Between the World and Me is beautiful and it lends itself so many layers of intimacy as it is a letter to Coates' teenage son. Please listen to this. 
Narrated by Bahni Turpin
This book makes us wish we were thirteen again browsing the YA section. Angie Thomas wrote this incredibly prolific tough-to-read examination of relevant (and heartbreaking) issues facing young Black teens. Bahni Turpin delivered total justice as one of the best narrators working today. 
Narrated by Tom Hanks 
From Caileen: Truth be told, I am reading a paper version of The Dutch House right now—and I'm loving it. However, I am so tempted to split listening to and reading it, because I love Tom Hanks. 
Narrated by Sean Pratt
From Aliya: So, you've always wanted to say you've read Infinite Jest—maybe without carrying the 1,000+ page tome around with you for weeks—or even months. I switched between audio and the physical book to get the best of both worlds. This is the longest audiobook on this list, coming in at a whopping 56 hours and 12 minutes. 
Narrated by 166 people, including Nick Offerman, David Sedaris, Keegan-Michael Key, Susan Sarandon, Bill Hader, and George Saunders.
From Caileen: I'm not going to lie, when I read the paper version of Lincoln in the Bardo, I found it difficult to always pay attention to exactly who was speaking. I need to give this one a listen
Narrated by Claire Danes
If you're like us and you find the show a little too difficult to watch, go back to the original book by Margaret Atwood, the master of the dystopian novel. A bonus? Claire Danes will read it to you
Narrated by Davina Porter 
From Lauren: While you might be familiar with the television show, you know the books are always better. The Outlander series, narrated by Davina Porter, are each 30+ hours jam-packed with immersive historical science fiction and romance. What more could you want? 
Narrated by Toni Morrison
There's something pretty magical about hearing Toni Morrison read her own work, especially now that she is no longer with us. If Beloved is one of your favorite books, we'd highly recommend letting Morrison re-read it to you. 
Narrated by Laura Dern 
This one is pretty self-explanatory, right? We thought so. Revisit your favorite childhood book with the legendary Laura Dern. 
Narrated by David Sedaris 
It's worth mentioning that David Sedaris narrates all of his audiobooks with his very distinct voice—and you should laugh out loud to all of them. However, we especially love his stories about his Fitbit obsession told from his own perspective. 
Narrated by Jessica Simpson
From Lauren + Caileen: If you're looking for the perfect mix of fun, nostalgia, scalding hot tea, and inspiration, Open Book is for you. This book is actually an extremely raw examination of the exploitation of young, female pop stars in the 1990s and...of John Mayer's antics. Whoa!


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